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Assessing China’s efforts to pursue the 1.5°C warming limit

Given the increasing interest in keeping global warming below 1.5°C, a key question is what this would mean for China’s emission pathway, energy restructuring, and decarbonization. By conducting a…

A systematic framework for the assessment of sustainable hydropower potential in a river basin – The case of the upper Indus

Siloed-approaches may fuel the misguided development of hydropower and subsequent target-setting under the sustainable development goals (SDGs). While hydropower development in the Indus basin is…

Dreigt Nederland Europese budgetten voor herstelbeleid mis te lopen?

Ons land is vooral bezig met het beheersen van de acute gevolgen voor de COVID-19-crisis voor de volksgezondheid en de economie. Het Europese beleid richt zich daarentegen ook op economisch herstel op…

Net-zero emission targets for major emitting countries consistent with the Paris Agreement

Over 100 countries have set or are considering net-zero emissions or neutrality targets. However, most of the information on emissions neutrality (such as timing) is provided for the global level…

Air quality and health implications of 1.5 °C–2 °C climate pathways under considerations of ageing population: a multi-model scenario analysis

Low-carbon pathways consistent with the 2 °C and 1.5 °C long-term climate goals defined in the Paris Agreement are likely to induce substantial co-benefits for air pollution and associated health…

Statement of the PPR Panel on a framework for conducting the environmental exposure and risk assessment for transition metals when used as active substances in plant protection products (PPP)

The European Food Safety Authority reviewed the current environmental risk assessment of iron and copper used as active substances in plant protection products. It is recommended to consider the…

Identifying a Safe and Just Corridor for People and the Planet

Keeping the Earth system in a stable and resilient state, to safeguard Earth's life support systems while ensuring that Earth's benefits, risks, and related responsibilities are equitably shared…

Rethinking the political economy of place: challenges of productivity and inclusion

The global financial crisis of 2007–2008 revealed longer term systemic problems in global capitalism, two of the most prominent being the slowdown in the underlying trend in productivity growth and a…

A credit system to solve agricultural nitrogen pollution

We propose a framework to design economic incentives to farmers to mitigate nitrogen pollution in contrasting regions of the world. Solutions fit in the broader context of the food chain and…

Lagere energierekening, effecten van lagere prijzen en energiebesparing

De gemiddelde prijs van energie voor consumenten was in januari 3,8 procent lager dan in dezelfde maand van 2020. Huishoudens met een gemiddeld verbruik van 1192 kubieke meter gas en 2464 kilowattuur…