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Exploring future changes in land use and land condition and the impacts on food, water, climate change and biodiversity: Scenarios for the UNCCD Global Land Outlook

The pressure on land is growing in many regions of the world, due to the increasing demand for arable crops, meat and dairy products, bio-energy and timber, and is exacerbated by land degradation and…

How natural capital delivers ecosystem services: A typology derived from a systematic review

To help decision-makers understand the links between natural capital and ecosystem services (i.e. nature’s contribution to people) a simple typology was developed showing how attributes of natural…

Impact of LULCC on the emission of BVOCs during the 21st century

Land-use and land-cover change (LULCC) is one of the key drivers of anthropogenic climate change. In addition to greenhouse gases such as CO 2 or CH 4 , LULCC affects also the emission of other carbon…

Keeping track of adaptation in the Dutch Delta

Throughout the world, adaptation to climate change is one of the major challenges. In the Netherlands, under the Delta Programme, adaptation strategies have been developed for flood protection…

Policy coherence in the water-land-energy-food-climate nexus

More synergies than conflicts exist between European policy objectives for water, land, energy, food and climate. There are numerous positively interacting policy objectives, providing opportunities…

Hoe verhouden water, klimaat en conflict zich tot elkaar in een onzekere toekomst?

Door groei van de bevolking en van de economie en door de klimaatverandering zullen de watercondities in de wereld naar verwachting sterk veranderen. Deze veranderingen zijn niet alleen fysiek, maar…

Vijf vragen en antwoorden over nutriënten en waterkwaliteit

In deze notitie beantwoordt het PBL vijf vragen rond nutriënten, waterkwaliteit en bronnen die de kwaliteit van het water ongunstig kunnen beïnvloeden. Ook bespreken we de kwantificering van de…

A framework for modelling the complexities of food and water security under globalisation

In our globalised world, food security and water security are inextricably intertwined. Food production accounts for approximately 70 % of global freshwater use, with variability in agricultural…

Jacht is een belangrijke bedreiging voor vogels en zoogdieren in de tropen

Jacht zorgt in de tropen voor een fikse afname van dieren maar een systematische, grootschalige inschatting van de invloed van de jacht op deze afname ontbrak tot nu toe. Een studie die 14 april 2017…

Perspectives on the future of nature in Europe: storylines and visualisations

The occurrence of many species in the EU is expected to decline further, making it difficult to achieve the 2050 policy vision. The Nature Outlook study elaborates four perspectives on the future of…