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Greenhouse gas mitigation scenarios for major emitting countries: 2017 update

This new report by NewClimate Institute, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) provides an overview of projected…

UNEP Emissions Gap Report 2017

Governments and non-state actors need to deliver an urgent increase in ambition to ensure the Paris Agreement goals can still be met according to 2017 annual Emissions Gap report by UNEP. Researchers…

Analyse regeerakkoord Rutte-III: Effecten op klimaat en energie

Het door het kabinet Rutte-III voorgestelde emissiedoel van 49% reductie in 2030 past bij de ambitie uit het Parijs-akkoord om de temperatuurstijging te beperken tot ruim onder de 2 graden. De…

EU targets for air quality, climate and energy, for 2030; consequences for the economy and emissions

This study by PBL investigates the possible economic consequences by 2030, as well as the impact on emissions of the new EU policy on air quality, climate and energy.

Nationale Energieverkenning 2017

Hernieuwbare energieopwekking en besparing nemen toe, energieverbruik en de uitstoot van broeikasgassen dalen. Verschillende doelen voor energie en klimaat in 2020 worden echter niet gehaald. De weg…

CO2 emissions from fuel combustion Part III: Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions; 2017 Edition

CO 2 emissions from fuel combustion represent the majority of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. To complement work regarding the emissions of CO 2 from fuel combustion, the International Energy…

Food in a green light – A systems approach to sustainable food

Making Europe’s production, consumption and trade in food environmentally sustainable is possible, but requires a major shift in public attitudes, policies and knowledge, as well as seizing current…

Supporting local institutions for inclusive green growth: Developing an Evidence Gap Map

Inclusive Green Growth extends the standard growth perspective to include welfare enhancements, both for the poor (‘inclusive’) and future (‘green’) generations. In this study a structured search of…

Modelling social influence and cultural variation in global low-carbon vehicle transitions

We present a unique and transparent approach for incorporating social influence effects into global integrated assessment models used to analyse climate change mitigation. We draw conceptually on…

Verslag Nacht van de Circulaire Economie: 'De transitie moet nog komen'

‘Het stenen tijdperk ging voorbij omdat we iets beters op het spoor waren’, stelde PBL-directeur Hans Mommaas op 5 oktober 2017 tijdens de Nacht van de Circulaire Economie. Lineaire vormen van…