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CO2 emissions from fuel combustion Part III: Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions; 2015 Edition

To show the changes in energy-related CO 2 emission in response to economic and policy developments, the annual reference publication “CO 2 emissions from fuel combustion” by the International Energy…

Mondiale trend in CO2-emissies: 2015 rapport

Na tien jaar van een jaarlijkse groei van de mondiale uitstoot van CO 2 van gemiddeld 4%, en een veel lagere toename in 2012 en 2013 van circa 1%, is de groei in 2014 met 0,5% bijna tot stilstand…

Analyse van nationale bijdragen (INDC’s) in aanloop naar het klimaatakkoord in Parijs; de effecten op de emissieprojecties tot 2030

Klimaatplannen die landen in de aanloop naar de klimaattop van Parijs hebben ingediend zouden, mits volledig geïmplementeerd, de uitstoot van broeikasgassen aanzienlijk kunnen terugdringen. Zonder…

Assessing Intended Nationally Determined Contributions to the Paris Climate Agreement

Climate plans submitted by countries in the run-up to the Paris Summit could, if fully implemented, deliver significant reductions in the emission of greenhouse gases. Without new climate policy, the…

Transport: A roadblock to climate change mitigation?

Global emissions scenarios studies, such as those informing the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 5th Assessment Report (AR5), highlight the importance of the transport sector for…

Adaptation to climate change in the Netherlands - Studying related risks and opportunities

The Netherlands, similar to many other countries, is vulnerable to climate change. With its new Delta Programme, the Dutch Government has made an important step forward towards national climate…

Comparing future patterns of energy system change in 2 °C scenarios with historically observed rates of change

This paper systematically compares modeled rates of change provided by global integrated assessment models aiming for the 2 °C objective to historically observed rates of change. Such a comparison can…

Worldwide climate effects - Risks and opportunities for the Netherlands

Natural disasters due to weather extremes occur frequently, both in Europe and in the rest of the world. In the first decade of the 21st century, for example, 3000 natural disasters were reported…

Global and regional climate impacts of future aerosol mitigation in an RCP6.0-like scenario in EC-Earth

Future changes in aerosol concentrations will influence the climate system over the coming decades. In this study we evaluate the equilibrium climate response to aerosol reductions in different parts…

CO2-prijs en veilingopbrengsten in de Nationale Energieverkenning 2015

De Nationale Energieverkenning 2015 (NEV) brengt de ontwikkelingen van de Nederlandse energiehuishouding in beeld. Deze ontwikkelingen worden sterk beïnvloed door het Europese klimaat- en…