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Incorporating macropore flow into focus PEC models

Macropore flow can strongly influence leaching of pesticides in the unsaturated zone, but this process has until now played only a limited role in exposure assessments.

Actualisering landelijk mestoverschot 2003

Het landelijk mestoverschot ontstaat op grond van de verliesnormen van Minas in 2003, zoals beschreven in de Meststoffenwet. De meest waarschijnlijke schatting van het 'landelijk mestoverschot 2003'…

European exchange of air quality monitoring meta information in 2001. ETC/ACC technical paper 2003-1

Current air quality legislation of the European Union, Council Decision (97/101/EC), requires the Commission to prepares a technical report on a yearly basis combining the meta information and air…

Assessment of pesticide leaching at the Pan-European level using a spatially distributed model

This paper describes the implementation of a Pan-European spatially distributed pesticide leaching model, referred to as EuroPEARL.

Development of an environmental indicator which can be used on national and regional scales for evaluating pesticide emissions in The Netherlands

As part of the new governmental program on pesticides the Dutch ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management & Fisheries and the ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning & the Environment have jointly…

Comparison of GeoPEARL with the single scenario approach in pesticide registration

Several countries use one or a few scenarios to evaluate the leaching of pesticides. This, however, can be too strict for some substances while being too lenient for others, because of the wide ranges…

Nationwide assessments of non-point source pollution with field-scale developed models: the pesticide case

The use of nationwide models of non-point source pollutants in soils is now common practice. Most of these models have originally been developed at the field-scale. An integrated approach (a ‘research…

Methodological approach for evaluating first tier PEC groundwater scenarios supporting the prediction of environmental concentrations of pesticides at the European scale

Within the framework of the harmonised registration of plant protection products (PPPs) at the EU-scale, environmental fate models are nowadays combined with a series of scenarios to predict the…

Ruimte in debat 2003/05

‘Weidewinkels’ en ‘shopping malls – de mammoetsupermarkten en winkelcentra buiten de stad met legio parkeerplaatsen. In het buitenland zijn deze fenomenen wijd verbreid, in Nederland zijn zij vooral…

Modelling and Mapping of Critical Thresholds in Europe

This report informs parties under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) and its network of National Focal Centres on the recent update of the European critical loads…