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A global baseline for ecosystem recovery

Indicators of success for ecosystem restoration depend on a proper assessment of the extent to which human activity has degraded biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services. In an 2016 article…

Biodiversity and ecosystem services require IPBES to take novel approach to scenarios

What does the future hold for the world’s ecosystems and benefits that people obtain from them?

Trends in Global Vegetation Activity and Climatic Drivers Indicate a Decoupled Response to Climate Change

Detailed understanding of a possible decoupling between climatic drivers of plant productivity and the response of ecosystems vegetation is required. We compared trends in six NDVI metrics (1982–2010)…

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats: A SWOT analysis of the ecosystem services framework

The ecosystem services concept is a cornerstone of contemporary sustainability thought. Challenges with this concept and its applications are well documented, but have not been systematically assessed…

Impacts of European livestock production: nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus and greenhouse gas emissions, land-use, water eutrophication and biodiversity

Livestock production systems currently occupy around 28% of the land surface of the European Union (equivalent to 65% of the agricultural land). In conjunction with other human activities, livestock…

GLOBIO-Aquatic, a global model of human impact on the biodiversity of inland aquatic ecosystems

Biodiversity in freshwater ecosystems is undergoing rapid global decline. Major drivers are land use change, eutrophication, hydrological disturbance, climate change, overexploitation and invasive…

How sectors can contribute to sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity

Developments in sectors such as agriculture, wood production, water management and fisheries largely shape the world’s current and future biodiversity, as they exert direct pressures on biodiversity…

The impact of river regulation on the biodiversity intactness of floodplain wetlands

The natural flow regime of many rivers around the world is affected by human impacts such as water extraction, climate change and especially the building of dams for hydropower or water storage…

Integrating Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Goal Structure, Target Areas and Means of Implementation

Since the Rio+20 summit, discussions on a new set of sustainable development goals have taken centre stage in the United Nations. This paper discusses how biodiversity and ecosystem services may be…

Conditions for green growth

Greening of the economy would contribute to strengthening its structure in the Netherlands, while also adding to the national budget. In this article, the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment…