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Decomposition analysis of per capita emissions: a tool for assessing consumption changes and technology changes within scenarios

Recent studies show that behaviour changes can provide an essential contribution to achieving the Paris climate targets. Existing climate change mitigation scenarios primarily focus on technological…

Herstelmaatregelen Natuurnetwerk vooral positief voor natte ecosystemen

Herstelmaatregelen die provincies financieren om de biodiversiteit in het Natuurnetwerk Nederland (NNN) te verbeteren, hebben een significant positief effect. Dit effect treedt vooral op in natte…

The Netherlands need a serious discussion on nuclear energy

Both Dutch and EU Climate policy goals are ambitious with climate neutrality (“no greenhouse gasses”) by 2050 as the ultimate target. Is this goal achievable without nuclear energy? Opening this…

OPERA: a New High-Resolution Energy System Model for Sector Integration Research

This article introduces and describes OPERA, a new technology-rich bottom-up energy system optimization model for the Netherlands. We give a detailed specification of OPERA’s underlying methodology…

Climate change impacts on renewable energy supply

Renewable energy resources, which depend on climate, may be susceptible to future climate change. Here we use climate and integrated assessment models to estimate this effect on key renewables. Future…

The COVID-19 crisis and manufacturing: How should UK national and local industrial strategies respond?

The ongoing COVID-19 crisis, and related recession, represents one of the biggest shocks to the UK manufacturing ecosystem yet, and comes at a time when that ecosystem was already in a worrying…

A review of successful climate change mitigation policies in major emitting economies and the potential of global replication

This article reviews climate change mitigation policies implemented in five major emitting economies: China, the European Union, India, Japan and the United States. It analyses their historical…

Integrating energy access, efficiency and renewable energy policies in sub-Saharan Africa: a model-based analysis

The role of energy in social and economic development is recognised by sustainable development goal 7 that targets three aspects of energy access: ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and…

Controlling biodiversity impacts of future global hydropower reservoirs by strategic site selection

Further reservoir-based hydropower development can contribute to the United Nations’ sustainable development goals (SDGs) on affordable and clean energy, and climate action. However, hydropower…

Verzwaring lockdown raakt kwetsbare werkenden hard

De coronamaatregelen kunnen mensen belemmeren bij het uitvoeren van hun werk, maar niet iedereen wordt even hard geraakt. In dit artikel verkennen het PBL en RaboResearch welke groepen werkenden…