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Economic geography and planetary boundaries

Human development is fundamentally dependent on the state of the environment. ‘Planetary boundaries’ define a set of limits with regard to the environmental conditions on the planet within which human…
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Projecting long-term armed conflict risk: An underappreciated field of inquiry?

Interest in potential armed conflict risks following climate change impacts is increasing among scientists and policymakers. But until today, little research has been done on projecting the possible…

Urbanising food systems

This publication is a background report to the IFAD Rural Development Report 2021 on Food System Transformations. The IFAD report is published in preparation of the UN Food System Summit, taking place…

Greening the recovery to make it last

The WAVES partnership supports countries with implementing Natural Capital Accounting (NCA). At the request of the WAVES partnership, PBL has evaluated how NCA can support a ‘green’ recovery from the…

Allocating planetary boundaries to large economies: Distributional consequences of alternative perspectives on distributive fairness

The planetary boundaries (PBs) framework proposes global quantitative precautionary limits for human perturbation of nine critical Earth system processes. Together they define a global safe operating…

Multiplicity of Perspectives on Sustainable Food: Moving Beyond Discursive Path Dependency in Food Policy

The idea that a sustainable transformation of the food system is urgently needed is gaining ground throughout Europe. Yet, opinions differ substantially on what a sustainable food future exactly…

Consumption-based biodiversity footprints

Land use related to human consumption patterns leads to significant loss of biodiversity. Here, the implications of using different indicators in the calculation of biodiversity footprints caused by…

Food in a green light – A systems approach to sustainable food

Making Europe’s production, consumption and trade in food environmentally sustainable is possible, but requires a major shift in public attitudes, policies and knowledge, as well as seizing current…

People and the Earth

With the adoption of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the world committed to an economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable world. The corresponding objectives, laid down in…

Quantifying biodiversity footprints of Dutch economic sectors: A global supply-chain analysis

Economic sectors contribute to biodiversity loss through environmental pressures, such as land use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, both directly via their production processes and indirectly via…