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Integrating Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Goal Structure, Target Areas and Means of Implementation

Since the Rio+20 summit, discussions on a new set of sustainable development goals have taken centre stage in the United Nations. This paper discusses how biodiversity and ecosystem services may be…

Conditions for green growth

Greening of the economy would contribute to strengthening its structure in the Netherlands, while also adding to the national budget. In this article, the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment…

Synergies and trade-offs between ecosystem service supply, biodiversity, and habitat conservation status in Europe

In the European Union (EU) efforts to conserve biodiversity have been consistently directed towards the protection of habitats and species through the designation of protected areas under the Habitats…

Nature Outlook 2010-2040 - Summary and findings

Every four years, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) publishes a Nature Outlook under statutory obligation. This year, the Nature Outlook is published at a time of important…

Does 'grey' urban living lead to more 'green' holiday nights? A Netherlands Case Study

Urbanisation is seen as essential to wealth creation and increased productivity, but the process has costs as well as benefits. In the present paper we conduct an empirical analysis for the highly…

Scientific Opinion on the science behind the guidance for scenario selection and scenario parameterisation for predicting environmental concentrations of plant protection products in soil

The EFSA Panel on Plant Protection Products and its Residues (PPR Panel) developed a revised methodology for the assessment of exposure of soil organisms to pesticides. In contrast to previous…

The Nature Outlook and the role of PBL in policy processes

The Nature Outlook is one of the regular products of PBL Netherlands Environmental Agency. For the present Outlook there has been a lot of interaction between researchers and policy-makers and…

A global public-goods perspective on the environment and poverty reduction: Implications for Dutch foreign policy

Climate change, overexploitation of fish stocks, land erosion and resource scarcities are examples of environmental issues that require globally coordinated solutions. This is in the interest both of…

Nitrogen: 'Too much of a good thing'

Nitrogen pollution costs the European Union between €70 billion and €320 billion per year. This cost is more than double the value that nitrogen fertilizers are estimated to add to European farm…

Europe’s Nitrogen Problem

For the last five years, scientists across Europe have chronicled the little-known nitrogen dilemma and the threats it poses to our environment and health – as well as how we can solve the problem.