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Competition for land

A key challenge for humanity is how a future global population of 9 billion can all be fed healthily and sustainably. Here, we review how competition for land is influenced by other drivers and…

Spatial planning of a climate adaptation zone for wetland ecosystems

In a publication in Landscape Ecology we present a spatial planning approach for the implementation of adaptation measures to climate change in conservation planning for ecological networks…

Evaluatie beoordeling Nota Ruimte-projecten

Het voormalig ministerie VROM heeft het Centraal Planbureau (CPB) en het Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving (PBL) gevraagd een evaluatie op te stellen van de ervaringen met het beoordelen van de…

IMAGE gebruikershandleiding

Technisch achtergrond rapport. Deze gebruikershandleiding bevat de basis-informatie om het simulatiemodel IMAGE ("Integrated Model to Assess the Global Environment") van het PBL te kunnen gebruiken.

Het klimaatsysteem in IMAGE op basis van MAGICC 6.0

Technisch achtergrond rapport van het IMAGE model.

IMAGE User Manual

This user manual contains the basic information for running the simulation model IMAGE ("Integrated Model to Assess the Global Environment") of PBL. The motivation for this report was a substantial…

IMAGE Programming Guidelines

This document describes the requirements and guidelines for the software of the IMAGE system. The motivation for this report was a substantial restructuring of the source code for IMAGE version 2.5…

The climate subsystem in IMAGE updated to MAGICC 6.0

Technical background report on the upgrade of the simple climate model MAGICC within the IMAGE model ("Integrated Model to Assess the Global Environment") of PBL.

IMAGE programmeerrichtlijnen

Technisch achtergrond rapport van het IMAGE model.

Assessment of the Living Environment 2010

On 14 September 2010 the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency presented its first Assessment of the Living Environment. In this broad study, PBL has assessed developments as they have taken…