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Abolishing fossil fuel subsidies: A brain teaser rather than a no-brainer

In this study, CPB and PBL conclude that the discussion on fossil fuel subsidies in the Netherlands focuses primarily on the level of tax revenue that is potentially foregone due to exemptions or…

An environmental and socially just climate mitigation pathway for a planet in peril

Climate change—a critical issue that many consider a major threat for life on Earth—is a symptom of ecological overshoot, long-term consumption and production patterns that lead to excessive and…

Reassessing the need for carbon dioxide removal: moral implications of alternative climate target pathways

The 1.5 °C goal has given impetus to carbon dioxide removal (CDR) measures, such as bioenergy combined with carbon capture and storage, or afforestation. However, land-based CDR options compete with…

Costs and benefits of synthetic nitrogen fertiliser for global production of cereal grains in 2015 and in 2050 under contrasting scenarios

Increased use of synthetic N fertiliser has boosted global cereal grain production, but has also led to a massive increase of reactive N loss and environmental impacts. This paper quantifies the…

Experts and expertise in practices of citizen engagement in climate policy: a comparative analysis of two contrasting cases

The need for engaging citizens in climate policymaking is increasingly recognised. Despite indications that the form of expert involvement can strongly influence participatory processes, this remains…

Verkenning leren en evalueren transitie landelijk gebied

PBL, VU Athena en WUR bereiden op verzoek van de ministeries van LNV, IenW, BZK en het IPO, de UvW en de VNG een lerende evaluatie van de transitie van het landelijk gebied voor (LETLG). In deze…

Gezondheidsachterstanden: kijk ook eens naar de ruimtelijke uitsortering van mensen en voorzieningen

De gezondheidsverschillen tussen laag- en hoogopgeleiden mensen in Nederland zijn groot en hardnekkig: ondanks decennia aan beleid leven laagopgeleiden gemiddeld zeven jaar korter en krijgen zij tot…

Sanitation and wastewater treatment scenarios and effects on global water quality and SDG 6

Sanitation and wastewater treatment are key elements for global human health and aquatic biodiversity. Scenarios showed an improvement of sanitation over time, but unimproved sanitation will not…

Dynamiek van stedelijke milieus 2010-2018

In het huidige verstedelijkingsdebat gaat het vaak over het woningtekort en het bouwen ín de stad of buiten de stad. Maar de verstedelijkingsopgave is meer dan dat: het gaat om het inrichten van…

The opportunities, challenges, and potentials for hydrogen in Africa

Under stringent climate change mitigation scenarios, hydrogen is projected to play a central role in decarbonising the global energy system, complementing electrification and energy efficiency…