Simulating the future of agricultural land use in The Netherlands
The agricultural sector in the Netherlands has lost much of its importance over the last 50 years in terms of the number of people involved and its relative contribution to the economy – even though…
Reduce health risks by subsidizing particulate traps on new diesel cars
From 2010 on, new diesel cars sold in the European Union will probably have to be equipped with particulate traps to be able to meet the Euro-5 emission standards. In order to possibly diminish the…
Het Groene Hart stond lange tijd gelijk aan verstedelijkingsdiscussies. De laatste jaren is duidelijk geworden dat het water minstens zo grote ruimtelijke gevolgen zal hebben. Ruimte is nodig om de…
EURURALIS is developed for policy makers dealing with the future of agriculture and other land use in the enlarged Europe of 25 member states. Expecting that major developments affect the rural areas…
Afwenteling en blauwe knooppunten. Sleutel voor duurzaam waterbeleid- Evaluatie Deelstroomgebiedsvisies, deelrapport 2
Het kabinet streeft in het Waterbeleid 21e eeuw (WB21), het Nationaal Bestuursakkoord Water (NBW) en de Europese Kaderrichtlijn Water naar het op orde brengen en houden van het watersysteem. Om aan te…
This paper reports the extent to which the effects of such life-course experiences as partnership formation, the transition to parenthood, divorce and unemployment on housing quality persist over the…
Bedrijfsmatige functieveranderingen van boerderijen zijn in beeld te brengen door de Landbouwtellingen van het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek op adresniveau te koppelen aan gegevens uit het…
Dissolved inorganic phosphorus export to the coastal zone: results from a spatially explicit, global model
Here we describe, test, and apply a spatially explicit, global model of river-borne dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) export called NEWS-DIP. Among the innovations in NEWS-DIP are increased spatial…
SustainabilityA-Test Inception report: progress to date and future tasks
The ultimate aim of the project SustainabilityA-Test is to improve the scientific basis of the application of tools in (sustainability) impact assessments. This report provides an overview of the…
Effectiveness of the EU White paper: 'European transport policy for 2010'
This report takes a look at general European transport and environmental trends, and the (likely) influence of the policy focusing in the White Paper, 'European transport policy for 2010', in…