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Global energy futures: An integrated perspective with the TIME-model

In a previous report the five submodels of the energy model were described in detail. Here, a number of applications with the (stand-alone) TIME model are presented. In this report the calibration of…

Climate Change: Socio-Economic impacts and violent conflict

This report contains a literature study on the socio economic impacts of climate change and the possibilities of violent conflicts enhanced by the greenhouse effect.

Environmental Security and Sustainable Development

On 18-19 April 1996 an international workshop was organised by NWO, the Dutch HDP-committee and NRP to contribute to the research planning within the International Human Dimensions Programme (IHDP) on…

Greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands 1990 - 1995. Methodology and data for 1994 and provisional data for 1995

The inventory presented in this report complies with the obligations under the European Union's Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Mechanism and the UN-FCCC for emission reports on all greenhouse gases not…

Land use and cover change as an overarching topic in the Dutch national research programme on global air pollution and climate change. Issues for implementation

The integration study 'Land Use and Cover Change as an overarching topic in the Dutch National Research Programme on Global Air Pollution and Climate Change (NRP)' aims at identifying research fields…

Vulnerability of Human Population Health to Climate Change: state-of-knowledge and future research directions

Health effects of global climate change may include an increase in: heat-related mortality and morbidity, infectious diseases, particularly those that are vector-borne, and malnutrition and…

Description of EDGAR Version 2.0: A set of global emission inventories of greenhouse gases and ozone-depleting substances for all anthropogenic and most natural sources on a per country basis and on 1 degree x 1 degree grid

A global emission source database called EDGAR (Emission Database for Global Atmospheric Research) has been developed jointly by TNO and RIVM to meet the needs of policy-makers and of atmospheric…

Transport scenarios for the Netherlands for 2030. A description of the scenarios for the OECD project 'Environmental Sustainable Transport'

The Environmental Sustainable Transport (EST) project contains a business-as-usual scenario and three EST scenarios: one 'high-technology' scenario containing only technological changes, one 'capacity…

Depositie van verzurende componenten in Nederland in de periode 1980-1995

In dit rapport worden jaargemiddelde depositie-waarden voor de verzurende componenten in de periode 1980 tot en met 1995 gepresenteerd. In 1995 is de depositie van potentieel zuur sinds 1980 met ca…

Lange-afstandstransport van Persistente Organische Verontreinigingen, I: Beschrijving van oppervlakte-atmosfeer uitwisselings modules en implementatie in EUROS

Beschrijving van een model voor de uitwisseling van gasvormige Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP) tussen het aardoppervlak en de atmosfeer, en de toepassing in het Euleriaanse verspreidingsmodel…