Flags off all the countries in the world flying on flagpoles

Biodiversity, land use, and food systems

Mainstreaming biodiversity in development cooperation (2023)

In December 2022, UN member states agreed on the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. The Dutch government now faces the challenge of implementing the agreements and declared ambitions for biodiversity and nature restoration. In this policy brief, PBL discusses how biodiversity is given a place in Dutch policy on Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation (BHOS).

Exploring nature-positive pathways (2022)

Explores various pathways to achieve global goals for biodiversity, from a global perspective. The study shows what the pathways towards a nature-inclusive world may look like, and what governments can do to build on the efforts already made by civil society actors for the benefit of nature.

Seizing the landscape opportunity to catalyse transformative biodiversity governance: A contribution to the CBD post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (2021)

A key for unlocking transformative change towards nature-inclusive development that involves whole of society is provided by landscape governance arrangements, ongoing landscape initiatives and connected international networks

Business for Biodiversity. Mobilising business towards net positive impact (2020)

This policy brief describes what companies are doing and could be doing to contribute to the reversal of biodiversity loss and even to restore nature, and looks at their strategies and motives for doing so. 

The global potential for land restoration: Scenarios for the Global Land Outlook 2 (2021)

Land restoration has the potential to deliver multiple environmental and societal benefits simultaneously, making it a highly integrated solution for sustainable development. This study quantifies the potential effects of land restoration for soil, food, water, biodiversity and climate change  at the global and regional levels, using three global land-use scenarios up to 2050. 

Goals and Commitments for the Restoration Decade: A global overview of countries’ restoration commitments under the Rio Conventions and other pledges (2020)

This policy brief gives a global overview of countries’ restoration commitments under the three Rio Conventions (UNFCCC, CBD, UNCCD) and other pledges, with total restoration commitments covering close to 1 billion hectares.

Urbanising food systems: exploring opportunities for rural transformation (2021)

This report focuses on the effect of urbanisation on food systems, and consequently the potential positive and negative impacts on rural development. 

The impact of urbanisation on food systems in West and East Africa: opportunities to improve rural livelihoods (2020)

Urbanisation is a major driver of societal, environmental and economic change in both West and East Africa, affecting all aspects of food systems. This policy report provides insights into the current and projected dynamics of urbanisation and food systems in West and East Africa and assesses the potential impacts on rural livelihoods. The report concludes with three recommendations on how urbanisation can contribute to rural livelihoods.