Flags off all the countries in the world flying on flagpoles

Coherence and cross-cutting issues

Just transitions: Conceptual tools for policy reflection (2024)

The need to balance environmental and social objectives is increasingly included in sustainability agendas at all levels – from local to global. This has given rise to the concept of a 'just transition'. This report explores the origins of the concept of just transitions in labour and environmental justice movements, its theoretical underpinnings, and its evolution into a prominent global sustainability issue.

Samenhangend beleid voor internationale samenwerking en leefomgevingsopgaven (2022).

Policy brief written on request of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as input to the preparation of the policy document ‘Do what we do best’ for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation. (In Dutch).

Infographics: Coherence present. Navigating towards a sustainable future (2022).

The world is looking for ways to navigate sustainability challenges in order to safeguard current and future global well-being. These challenges are complex and deeply interrelated, which means coherent approaches are required to enable the shift towards sustainable development pathways. In these infographic presentations, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency offers six storylines that each illustrate various types of interrelations, as well as multiple strategies to address coherence in practice. 

Insights from global environmental assessments (2020).

This study synthesises the findings of five global environmental assessments in the fields of climate, land-use, biodiversity loss and resource use. From these findings, lessons are drawn for Dutch sustainability transitions.

Mondiale opgaven voor Inclusieve Groene Groei (2018)

Policy brief written at the request of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as input to the preparation of the policy document ‘Investing in global prospects’ for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation. (In Dutch). 

Using planetary boundaries to support national implementation of environment-related SDGs (2018).

This report presents a methodology for translating the global environment-related ambitions of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into national policy targets and applies this to the Netherlands. The methodology builds on scientific insights into planetary boundaries, fair and equitable distribution of global greenhouse gas emission reductions, and national footprint indicators.

Infographics: People and the Earth (2017)

This  publication delivers a storyboard of human-nature interdependency, using visual representations to communicate challenges and options for making progress towards the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.