Climate and Energy Outlook of the Netherlands 2023

English summary of the full Dutch report 'Klimaat- en Energieverkenning 2023' (KEV)

This annual outlook is published as required by the Dutch Climate Act and is regarded as one of the accountability instruments of Dutch climate and energy policy.

Emission reduction of 46% to 57% by 2030 is possible under the climate plans for which an assessment could be made

The climate target aiming for a 55% emission reduction by 2030 compared to 1990 levels falls within the range of projected emissions. Under all the climate plans that were known and calculable on 1 May 2023, a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 of 46% to 57% compared to 1990 levels is possible. The volume the reduction may eventually reach depends on a wide range of uncertainties, such as expected policy impact, the level of electricity imports or exports, economic growth, energy prices, the weather and technological developments.

Exploiting the potential of climate plans requires prompt and ambitious elaboration and implementation

With the climate plans from the Spring Memorandum a huge step can be taken towards the realisation of the now statutory target of a 55% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 relative to 1990 levels. To meet this target with greater confidence, it is crucial that all climate plans are elaborated and implemented as ambitiously and rapidly as possible.

More stringent energy saving target for final energy consumption within reach, but only if circumstances remain favourable

Based on the climate plans from the Spring Package for which an impact assessment could be made, this report foresees final energy consumption in 2030 to come to 1,566 to 1,818 petajoules. This means that the European Energy Efficiency Directive target of 1,609 petajoules falls within the projected range, but is only attainable if circumstances remain favourable, including uncontrollable factors, such as energy prices and the weather.

More stringent target for reduction in primary energy consumption still out of reach

This report foresees primary energy consumption by 2030 to be in the range of 1,951 to 2,323 petajoules. This means that the target for primary energy consumption of 1,935 petajoules is out of range.


PBL Authors
Pieter Hammingh Cees Volkers Marit van Hout Paul Koutstaal Martijn van Sebille
Other authors
Marijke Menkveld (TNO)


Publication title
Climate and Energy Outlook of the Netherlands 2023
Publication subtitle
English summary of the full Dutch report 'Klimaat- en Energieverkenning 2023' (KEV)
Publication date
27 November 2023
Publication type
Page count
Publication language
Product number