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Nutrient load estimates for Manila Bay, Philippines using population data

A major source of nutrient load to periodically hypoxic Manila Bay is the urban nutrient waste water flow from humans and industries to surface water. In Manila alone, the population density is as…

Understanding the contribution of non-carbon dioxide gases in deep mitigation scenarios

In 2010, the combined emissions of methane (CH 4), nitrous oxide (N 2O) and the fluorinated gasses (F-gas) accounted for 20–30% of Kyoto emissions and about 30% of radiative forcing. Current scenario…

European policy responses to climate change: progress on mainstreaming emissions reduction and adaptation

Climate policy ‘mainstreaming’, ‘proofing’ and ‘integration’ are concepts that frequently appear in a range of EU policy discussions, most importantly in EU energy and climate policy. They reflect the…

Evaluation of Water Framework Directive metrics to analyse trends in water quality in the Netherlands

The Water Framework Directive (WFD), implemented in 2000, is the major policy instrument for water quality in the European Union. Its main aim is to homogenise and standardise water quality…

The roads ahead: Narratives for shared socioeconomic pathways describing world futures in the 21st century

Long-term scenarios play an important role in research on global environmental change. The climate change research community is developing new scenarios integrating future changes in climate and…

Economics: Welfare impacts of climate change

The impacts of climate change include, but are not limited to, increased heat stress, land loss due to sea level rise, and changes in agricultural productivity. These impacts have consequences for the…

Impact of the choice of emission metric on greenhouse gas abatement and costs

This paper analyses the effect of different emission metrics and metric values on timing and costs of greenhouse gas mitigation in least-cost emission pathways aimed at a forcing level of 3.5 W m −2…

Losses of Ammonia and Nitrate from Agriculture and Their Effect on Nitrogen Recovery in the European Union and the United States between 1900 and 2050

Historical trends and levels of nitrogen (N) budgets and emissions to air and water in the European Union and the United States are markedly different. Agro-environmental policy approaches also differ…

Global implementation of two shared socioeconomic pathways for future sanitation and wastewater flows

Households are an important source of nutrient loading to surface water. Sewage systems without or with only primary wastewater treatment are major polluters of surface water. Future emission levels…

International review of IMAGE 3.0

This report summarizes the findings of the IMAGE Advisory Board meeting, which took place from 9 to 11 July 2014 in The Hague. The Advisory Board was asked by PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment…