International review of IMAGE 3.0

This report summarizes the findings of the IMAGE Advisory Board meeting, which took place from 9 to 11 July 2014 in The Hague. The Advisory Board was asked by PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency to evaluate the newly released version of the integrated assessment model framework IMAGE – IMAGE 3.0, and to reflect on the future development and application strategy of the IMAGE framework.

IMAGE is one of the world’s leading integrated assessment modelling frameworks, and the current version has been improved to strengthen its relevance in assessing global, long-term environmental and sustainability problems and identifying possible response strategies. Earlier versions of IMAGE have been used to support various international assessments, including IPCC assessments, UNEP’s Global Environment Outlooks, OECD’s Environmental Outlooks and the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Moreover, it has been extensively used in the scientific literature.

After each major new release of the IMAGE model, the Advisory Board is asked to review progress during the past period and provide input into the development of a new model development and application strategy. In the strategy document for the IMAGE model for the 2015-2020 period, it is explicitly described how the main findings of the Advisory Board were used.


Leen Hordijk (Chairman), Nigel Arnell, Dieter Gerten, Martin van Ittersum, Ger Klaassen, Keywan Riahi, Jörn Scharlemann, Peter Janssen (secr.)


Publication title
International review of IMAGE 3.0
Publication date
28 November 2014
Publication type
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Product number