Analysing the greenhouse gas emission reductions of the mitigation action plans by non-Annex I countries by 2020

As part of the Cancún Agreements, 45 non-Annex I countries (non-industrialised) have pledged mitigation action plans, of which 16 countries, including the seven major emitting countries, have submitted quantified mitigation actions. Many countries published their business-as-usual (BAU) emissions to which their pledges are connected. This study analyses the expected emission levels from the pledged, quantified actions, and whether these are consistent with achieving the 2oC target.

One of the main findings is that new BAU emission projections have led to about 2.5 gigaton CO2-equivalent higher emission levels expected from pledges by non-Annex I countries.The emissions for non-Annex I countries as a group would be between 9% and 12% below our 2020 BAU emission projections, for respectively the unconditional and conditional pledges. This result might be conservative as we assume countries without quantified pledges follow BAU. This implies that for a medium chance of achieving 2°C, Annex I (industrialised) countries would need to reduce its emissions by about 50% below 1990 levels by 2020. If Annex I countries as a whole would reduce emissions by 13% to 18% below 1990 levels, as expected from the pledges,  the reduction of non-Annex I countries should be 22% to 34% below BAU levels for a medium chance of achieving 2°C.


Michel G.J. den Elzen, Andries F. Hof, Mark Roelfsema


Publication title
Analysing the greenhouse gas emission reductions of the mitigation action plans by non-Annex I countries by 2020
Publication date
20 February 2013
Publication type
Energy Policy
Product number