Balance between climate change mitigation benefits and land use impacts of bioenergy: conservation implications for European birds

We assess projected range shifts of 156 European bird species by 2050 under two alternative climate change trajectories: a baseline scenario, where the global mean temperature increases by 4 °C by the end of the century, and a 2 degrees scenario, where global concerted effort limits the temperature increase to below 2 °C. For the latter scenario, we also quantify the pressure exerted by increased cultivation of energy biomass as modelled by IMAGE2.4, an integrated land use model.

The global bioenergy use in this scenario is in the lower end of the range of previously estimated sustainable potential. Under the assumptions of these scenarios, we find that the magnitude of range shifts due to climate change is far greater than the impact of land conversion to woody bioenergy plantations within the European Union, and that mitigation of climate change reduces the exposure experienced by species. However, we identified potential for local conservation conflict between priority areas for conservation and bioenergy production.

These conflicts must be addressed by strict bioenergy sustainability criteria that acknowledge biodiversity conservation needs beyond existing protected areas and apply also to biomass imported from outside the European Union.


Laura Meller, Wilfried Thuiller, Samuel Pironon, Morgane Barbet-Massin, Andries Hof, Mar Cabeza


Publication title
Balance between climate change mitigation benefits and land use impacts of bioenergy: conservation implications for European birds
Publication date
29 April 2014
Publication type
Global Change Biology Bioenergy
Product number