Co-benefits and trade-offs of between greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions for measures reducing ammonia emissions and implications for costing

This book chapter shows there are both synergies and counter effects related to climate and nitrogen policy. The synergies concern nitrogen efficiency improvements in animal and plant production processes, compulsory low-emission animal housing, acidification of slurry and the application of urease inhibitors.

Counter effects and uncertainties

There also appear to be counter effects, that come into play when using animal feed that is rich in energy, when separating manure into solids and liquids, and during the ventilation of solid manure storage areas.

The effects of some measures e.g. low-trajectory manure spreading, covering slurry stores and manure heaps, and anaerobic digestion of animal waste are currently uncertain and require further investigation


Vera Eory, Cairistiona F.E. Topp, Bronno de Haan en Dominic Moran


Publication title
Co-benefits and trade-offs of between greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions for measures reducing ammonia emissions and implications for costing
Publication date
1 June 2015
Publication type
Book: Costs of ammonia abatement and the climate co-benefits
Product number