Greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands 1990-2019

National Inventory Report 2021

This report documents the Netherlands' submission of its annual greenhouse gas emission inventory for 2021, in accordance with the guidelines provided by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the European Union's Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Mechanism. The report contains information on the observed trends in emissions, an assessment of the main emission sources and the uncertainty related to their emission levels, the methods and data sources used, and the emission factors applied. For this report, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency contributed to the calculations and reporting on transport emissions in the Netherlands.

Greenhouse gas emission decreased in 2019

Total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the Netherlands in 2019 decreased by 3%, in comparison with 2018 emissions. This reduction was mainly due to a decrease in coal combustion used in the production of energy and heat.

In 2019, total greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands (including indirect CO2 emissions and excluding emissions from land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF)) amounted to 181 Mt of CO2 equivalents. This was approximately 18% lower than the 1990 emission level. CO2 emissions in 2019 were almost 6% below the 1990 levels. Combined emissions of methane, nitrous oxide and fluorinated gases were reduced by 53%, since 1990.

This report documents the Netherlands' annual submission for 2021 of its greenhouse gas emissions inventory in accordance with the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (IPCC, 2006) prescribed by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Kyoto Protocol (KP) and the European Union's Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Mechanism. The Informative Inventory Report 2021 is a publication by the RIVM, in collaboration with partner institutes, which analyses and reports on emission data - an annual legal obligation for EU Member States.


PBL Authors
Gerben Geilenkirchen Maarten 't Hoen
Other authors
P.G. Ruyssenaars (RIVM),
P.W.H.G. Coenen (TNO)
P.J. Zijlema (RVO)
E.J.M.M. Arets (Alterra)
K. Baas (CBS),
R. Dröge (TNO)
E. Honig (RIVM)
B. van Huet (RIVM)
E.P. van Huis (NEa)
W.W.R. Koch (TNO),
R. te Molder (RIVM)
J.A. Montfoort (RIVM)
T. van der Zee (RIVM)
M. van Zanten (RIVM)


Publication title
Greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands 1990-2019
Publication subtitle
National Inventory Report 2021
Publication date
15 April 2021
Publication type
Page count
Publication language
Product number