Vehicle emissions and impacts of taxes and incentives in the evolution of past emissions

The analysis presented in this report was framed around two key objectives. The first was to create an inventory of the different vehicle taxation and incentive schemes in place across Europe. The second objective was to better understand the impacts that different tax and incentive approaches have had on uptake of 'lower carbon vehicles', and thus the CO2 emissions of the European new passenger car fleet.

The study found that incentives have become broader and more comprehensive over time, with most countries considered offering a range of different incentives to consumers in 2016. Consumers more readily purchased lower emitting cars where sufficiently large and targeted taxes and incentives were in place.

Published by ETC/ACM, April 2018, 73 pp


Richard German, Alison Pridmore, Christofer Ahlgren, Tim Williamson (Aether, UK), Hans Nijland (PBL)


Publication title
Vehicle Emissions and Impacts of Taxes and Incentives in the Evolution of Past Emissions
Publication date
11 April 2018
Publication type
Product number