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GLOBIO-Aquatic, a global model of human impact on the biodiversity of inland aquatic ecosystems

Biodiversity in freshwater ecosystems is undergoing rapid global decline. Major drivers are land use change, eutrophication, hydrological disturbance, climate change, overexploitation and invasive…

Enhancing mitigation ambitions in the major emitting countries: analysis of current and potential climate policies

This study provides an overview of projected greenhouse gas emissions in seven major emitting countries (Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, and the United States) up to 2030, resulting…

Enhanced policy scenarios for major emitting countries

This study provides an overview of projected greenhouse gas emissions of 13 major emitting countries up to 2030, taking into account the emission trajectories based on current and planned policies…

The implications of carbon dioxide and methane exchange for the heavy mitigation RCP2.6 scenario under two metrics

Greenhouse gas emissions associated with Representative Concentration Pathway RCP2.6 could limit global warming to around or below a 2 °C increase since pre-industrial times. However this scenario…

Learning by doing - government participation in an energetic society

The essay ‘Learning by doing’ is a follow-up of ‘The Energetic Society’, a report published in 2011 by PBL Netherlands Envi­ronmental Assessment Agency. The essay raised the following question among…

Inclusive Green Growth

Designing effective policies for Inclusive Green Growth, or growth that improves the welfare of current and future generations, is difficult. Current growth pathways are often non-green and non…

Climate Science Survey. Questions and Responses

In the Spring of 2012, PBL held a survey among 1868 scientists studying various aspects of climate change, including physical climate, climate impacts, and mitigation. The main results of the survey…

The potential contribution of a nitrogen emission control area to national targets under a revised EU national emission ceiling directive

A proposal by the European Commission, containing national targets for 2030 for air polluting emissions from land-based sources, allows for a restricted contribution of new emission reductions in…

Green Tax Reform - Energy Tax challenges for The Netherlands

This Policy Brief discusses energy tax policy challenges for the Netherlands, against the background of the main trade-off behind green tax reform. Recent estimates of environmental damage in relation…

Emissions of transboundary air pollutants in the Netherlands, 1990–2013: Netherlands Informative Inventory Report 2015

Calculated ammonia emissions in the Netherlands are still declining over time. However as a result of new research ammonia emissions can be calculated more accurate. This shows that over the whole…