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Visualising knowledge

Visualising Knowledge is the English translation of the Dutch publication: ‘Kennis verbeeld’. It marks 25 years of experience in data visualisation at PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency…

The impact of COVID-19 and recovery packages on emission pathways to 2030: Inputs to the UNEP Emissions Gap Report 2021 Final project report

Globally, the opportunity to use COVID-19 fiscal rescue and recovery spending to accelerate the low-carbon transition has largely been missed so far: the share of low-carbon fiscal spending ranges…

Keeping the World’s Environment under Review

How do we take stock of the state and changing trend of the world’s environment and draw lessons from policy experiences? Amongst the myriad detailed narratives about the condition of the planet, the…

Trends in Global CO2 and Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions; 2021 Summary Report

In 2019, the growth in global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (excluding those from land-use change) slowed down to 0.6%, reaching 51.7 gigatonnes of CO 2 equivalent (GtCO 2 eq. This revised growth…

Addressing international impacts of the Dutch circular economy transition

The Netherlands has the ambition to achieve a fully circular economy by 2050. This policy brief discusses the risks and opportunities of the Dutch circular economy transition for low- and middle…

Methods for calculating the emissions of transport in the Netherlands 2022

This report describes the methodologies, emission factors and relevant activity data used to calculate the historical emissions of environmental pollutants from transport in the Netherlands. The…

Circular Economy Progress Report 2022

This Circular Economy Progress Report 2022 provides an update of the progress and transition towards a circular economy. It builds on the conclusions published by PBL in January 2021 in the Integral…

Detecting roads from space

One of the human pressures on biodiversity are roads. In the GLOBIO model (global biodiversity model for policy support), the information on the location of roads is taken from the Global Roads…

Decarbonisation options for Large Volume Organic Chemicals production, DOW Terneuzen

This report describes the current situation for the large volume organic chemicals (LVOC) production at DOW Chemical’s industrial complex, in Terneuzen, The Netherlands. The report also explores the…

Possible objectives for a circular economy

At the request of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, PBL identifies possible objectives for a circular economy. Changes in the way raw materials are used may contribute…