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Comparing the ambition of EU companies with science-based targets to EU regulation-imposed reductions

Companies can support governments in bridging the emissions gap between current policies and the Paris goals by adhering to voluntary greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets that align with or…

Disutility of climate change damages may warrant much stricter climate targets

Cost-benefit integrated assessment models (IAMs) inform the policy deliberation process by determining cost-optimal greenhouse gas emission reduction pathways based on economic considerations. These…

Spread in climate policy scenarios unravelled

Analysis of climate policy scenarios has become an important tool for identifying mitigation strategies, as demonstrated in the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Working Group III…

Identifying energy model fingerprints in mitigation scenarios

Energy models are used to study emissions mitigation pathways, such as those compatible with the Paris Agreement goals. These models vary in structure, objectives, parameterisation, and level of…

Water quality footprint of agricultural emissions of nitrogen, phosphorus, and glyphosate associated with German bioeconomy

Fertiliser and pesticide application can cause extensive environmental damage. This study uses the water quality footprint to express nitrogen, phosphorus, and glyphosate emissions from agriculture in…

Energy planning in Sub-Saharan African countries needs to explicitly consider productive uses of electricity

Studies show the role of various electrification technologies in providing electricity access to households in Sub-Saharan Africa, with a focus on electricity demand for end-use services such as…

Credibility gap in net-zero targets leaves world at high risk

Global climate policy is undergoing a rite of passage. What used to be a conversation about ambitious target-setting now focuses increasingly on implementation and interventions to put these targets…

Uncertainty in non-CO2 greenhouse gas mitigation contributes to ambiguity in global climate policy feasibility

Despite its projected crucial role in stringent, future global climate policy, non-CO 2 greenhouse gas (NCGG) mitigation remains a large and uncertain factor in climate research. A revision of the…

The role of peatland degradation, protection, and restoration for climate change mitigation in the SSP scenarios

Peatland only covers a small fraction of the global land surface (∼3%) but store large amounts of carbon (∼600 GtC). Drainage of peatlands for agriculture results in the decomposition of organic…

The impact of policy and model uncertainties on emissions projections of the Paris Agreement pledges

Tracking progress towards the Paris Agreement climate goal requires understanding the 2030 emission levels implied by countries' National Determined Contributions (NDCs). However, key uncertainties…