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Are we sure? Some thoughts about uncertainty treatment in integrated assessment

‘Are we sure?’ ‘Are we right?’ ‘Do we feel confident?’ These questions summarise the feeling of uncertainty that is always nagging at our conscience whenever a policy decision is going to be based on…

Issues in international climate policy: theory and policy

Climate change is currently at the centre of scientific and political debate, and the need for well-designed international climate policies is widely recognized. Despite this, the complexity of both…

Value of decomposition figures in emission reduction policy analysis at international level - Report of a traineeship at RIVM

Decomposition analysis is a method for dis-entangling the different key-factors that determine temporal changes in emission levels. It is a 'top-down' method starting from general available…

RIVM/MNP guidance for uncertainty assessment and communication. Quickscan hints and actions list

The quickscan hints and actions list have been updated.

RIVM/MNP guidance for uncertainty assessment and communication. Mini-checklist & quickscan questionnaire

The mini-checklist and quickscan questionnaire have been updated.

Present state and future prospects for groundwater ecosystems

Ecological and socioeconomic aspects of subterranean hydrosystems have changed during the past 40–50 years. The major environmental pressures (mainly anthropogenic ones) impact the quantity and…

Documentation of the activities within the framework of the completion of the CRF for the 2003 submission to the UNFCCC

The ministry of VROM is obliged to report the Dutch emission data for greenhouse gases to the EU (European Union's Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Mechanism) and the UNFCCC ( United Nation's Framework…

The integrated modeling system STONE for calculating nutrient emissions from agriculture in the Netherlands

For the Netherlands, a nutrient emission modeling system, called STONE, has been developed. It was designed for evaluation at the national and regional scale of the effects of changes in the…

Global emission sources of greenhouse gas emissions from industrial processes: SF6

This Supporting Information Paper provides a more comprehensive picture of global SF 6 emissions, by putting them in the broader perspective of total global emissions from industrial non-combustion…

SF6 from electrical equipment and other uses

The current consumption of sulphur hexafluoride (SF 6 ) in electrical equipment is about 60% of which 42% is from original electrical equipment manufacturers and the remaining 18% goes to refill by…