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Co-impacts of climate policies on air polluting emissions in the Netherlands

Several indicative climate policy packages for 2020 have been found to result in mainly favourable co-impacts on Dutch air quality. The extent of their contribution to air quality does depend on the…

International mitigation and adaptation strategies for climate change policy: An integrated assessment approach

What is the best strategy to reduce climate change (mitigation)? And what are the interactions between mitigation and adjusting to climate change (adaptation)? To answer these questions an integrated…

The Emissions Gap Report: Are the Copenhagen Accord Pledges Sufficient to Limit Global Warming to 2 °C or 1.5 °C?

It is estimated that, in order to have a likely chance (over 66%) of limiting global mean temperature increase to 2 °C, annual greenhouse gas emissions need to stay around 44 gigatonnes, by 2020. If…

Modeling of HABs and eutrophication: Status, advances, challenges

A call for multidisciplinary approaches to solving coastal eutrophication problems

A quantitative minimax regret approach to climate change: Does discounting still matter?

Integrated assessment models have been widely used to inform policymakers about attractive climate response strategies. An important application of integrated assessment models is cost-benefit…

Assessing 20th century climate–vegetation feedbacks of land-use change and natural vegetation dynamics

This study describes the coupling of the dynamic global vegetation model (DGVM), Lund–Potsdam–Jena Model for managed land (LPJmL), with the general circulation model (GCM), Simplified…

Policy research programme on particulate matter. Main results and policy consequences

Recent research has clarified a number of facts about particulate matter in the atmosphere and has overturned a number of assumptions. For example, it is now clear that a much greater proportion of…

Acid rain. An analysis of thirty years of Dutch acidification policy

In the past, no unnecessary policy measures have been taken to reduce acidification (acid rain). Although the severity of acidification has declined because of policy implementation, acidification…

How to deal with indirect land-use change in the EU Renewable Energy Directive?

Biofuels based on agricultural crops have the risk of causing indirect land use change with substantial greenhouse gas emissions. European policy to stimulate innovative solutions without these…

Mineral Dust as a component of particulate matter

Mineral dust is a constituent of atmospheric particulate matter (PM 10). It originates from diverse sources, such as wind erosion, agricultural land management and resuspension by road transport…