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The IMAGE-2 Model: Policy and Scientific Analysis

IMAGE 2 is an integrated assessment model for global and regional climate change. The aim of the model is to simulate scientifically and thoroughly the policy-relevant issues in climate change. The…

History, current activities and future direction of the IMAGE project the briefing book for the 3rd meeting of the Ad-hoc IMAGE Advisory Board

This report presents background material for the third meeting of the Ad-hoc IMAGE-2 Advisory Board. This Board reviews recent developments and applications and give advice on potential future…

Geostatistical interpolation of abiotic site conditions in the Netherlands: A method for reference mapping

A geostatistical method for the production of abiotic maps on a national scale has been proposed and successfully applied. Reference maps for moisture, acidity/alkalinity, nitrogen and salinity…

Aerosol; Cycle and Influence on the Radiation Balance MEasurement and MOdelling of the reduction of Radiation by Aerosol (MEMORA)

Anthropogenic aerosols reflect solar radiation and therefore act as cooling agents. The perturbation ('forcing') of the radiation balance is so large that, according to estimates by IPCC, it could off…

Assessing Ecosystem Vulnerability and Identifying Climate Protection Indicators

In this report on possible impacts, scenarios of the IMAGE 2 model and Safe Landing Analyses we have shown that selecting an appropriate ecological target can assist in defining 'adaptable' levels of…

Climate Options for the Long term (COOL), Interim phase report

This report describes the findings of the 'COOL interim phase'. COOL (Climate OptiOns for the Long term) is an integrated assessment project to explore long-term options for climate change policy in…

Global Assessment of acidification and eutrophication of natural ecosystems

In this study an assessment has been made of the present and possible future acidification and eutrophication of natural and semi-natural terrestrial ecosystems, and riverine nitrogen transport to…

Long-term perspectives on world metal use - a model-based approach

In this report, a system dynamics model is described, which simulates long-term trends in the production and consumption of metals (i.e. iron/steel and an aggregate of metals of medium abundance) in…

Applying Global Change Scenarios to assess Changes in Biodiversity

This report presents the results of applying IMAGE 2 to assess changes in biodiversity. The organisers of two separate workshops solicited for these applications. Pre-prints of the resulting papers…

International marine and aviation bunker fuel: trends, ranking of countries and comparison with national CO2 emission

This report summarises and characterises fuel consumption and associated CO 2 emissions from international transport based on energy statistics compiled by the International Energy Agency (IEA)…