Trend analysis from 1970 to 2008 and model evaluation of EDGARv4 global gridded anthropogenic mercury emissions
The Emission Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR) provides a time-series of man-made emissions of greenhouse gases and short-lived atmospheric pollutants from 1970 to 2008. With an average…
Regional differences in mitigation strategies: an example for passenger transport
This paper shows the importance of including region-specific circumstances in long-term climate change mitigation strategies, by example of a modeling exercise of the transport sector. Important…
On the relation between weather-related disaster impacts, vulnerability and climate change
Disasters such as floods, storms, heatwaves and droughts can have enormous implications for health, the environment and economic development. In this article, we address the question how climate…
Vulnerability of coastal ecosystems to changes in harmful algal bloom distribution in response to climate change: projections based on model analysis
Harmful algal blooms (HABs), those proliferations of algae that can cause fish kills, contaminate seafood with toxins, form unsightly scums, or detrimentally alter ecosystem function have been…
Integrated Assessment of Global Environmental Change with IMAGE 3.0 - Model description and policy applications
The IMAGE integrated assessment modelling framework has been developed to understand how global, long-term environmental change and sustainability problems develop over time, driven by human…
The resilience of regional labour markets to economic shocks
Although increasing attention is being paid to the resilience of regions to economic shocks, theoretical and empirical insights into the determinants of regional resilience remain limited. This paper…
The Role of Standards in Eco-innovation: Lessons for Policymakers
This article aims to help policymakers identify how standards can contribute to the effective and cost-efficient development and deployment of eco-innovations (innovations that reduce environmental…
Uncertainty in the deployment of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS): A sensitivity analysis to techno-economic parameter uncertainty
Projections of the deployment of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologies vary considerably. Cumulative emission reductions by CCS until 2100 vary in the majority of projections of the IPCC-TAR…
Carbon and land footprint time series of the Netherlands - integrating data from the GTAP and WIOD databases
The paper presents the results of an analysis of the carbon and land footprints of the Netherlands from 1995 to 2011. For the calculations, the PBL multi-region input-output (MRIO) model was used in…
The impact of river regulation on the biodiversity intactness of floodplain wetlands
The natural flow regime of many rivers around the world is affected by human impacts such as water extraction, climate change and especially the building of dams for hydropower or water storage…