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Policy coherence of the EU Common Agricultural Policy within the nexus between water, energy, land, food and climate depends on policy implementation

There is great technical potential for the agricultural sector to contribute to the improvement of water, land and landscape management, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and an efficient use…

Global Environment Outlook 6: Healthy Planet, healthy People

The world is not on track to achieve internationally agreed environmental targets, such as those outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement. To get back on track…

Capacity vs Energy Subsidies for Renewables: Benefits and Costs for the 2030 EU Power Market

Policy makers across Europe have implemented renewable support policies with several policy objectives in mind. Among these are achieving ambitious renewable energy targets at the lowest cost and…

The future of biomass and bioenergy deployment and trade: a synthesis of 15 years IEA Bioenergy Task 40 on sustainable bioenergy trade

Current biomass production and trade volumes for energy and new materials and bio‐chemicals are only a small fraction to achieve the bioenergy levels suggested by many global energy and climate change…

Insights from the intellectual history of the Global Environment Outlook

The Global Environment Outlook (GEO) has successfully established a template for global, regional and local reporting on environment and development. GEO highlights upcoming challenges and options for…

Benchmarking eco-efficiency and footprints of Dutch agriculture in European context: implications for policies for climate and environment

This article benchmarks eco-efficiencies (defined as gross added value per unit of resource input or pollution) and environmental pressures (defined as resource use or emissions per unit of land or…

PCLake+: an extended version of the lake water quality model PCLake

The lake ecosystem model PCLake is a process-based model that was developed to simulate water quality based on ecological interactions in shallow, non-stratifying lakes in the temperate climate zone.

Aquatic risks from human pharmaceuticals - modelling temporal trends of carbamazepine and ciprofloxacin at the global scale

Despite the worldwide presence of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment, a comprehensivempicture of their aquatic risk (AR) at the global scale has not yet been produced. Here, we present a…

The Nitrogen Fix: From Nitrogen Cycle Pollution to Nitrogen Circular Economy

At the fourth session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-4), a resolution was adopted calling for a coordinated and collaborative approach to sustainable nitrogen (N) management. In parallel the UN…

Identifying the key drivers of success for Natura 2000

Although the European Union will probably not meet its biodiversity goals for 2020, EU nature policy has resulted in some improvements. Member states have reported cases of better conservation status…