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Roads from Rio+20

This report analyses how combinations of technological measures and changes in consumption patterns could contribute to achieving a set of sustainability objectives, taking into account the…

The representation of landscapes in global scale assessments of environmental change

Landscape ecology has provided valuable insights in the relations between spatial structure and the functioning of landscapes. However, in most global scale environmental assessments the…

Analysing the emission gap between pledged emission reductions under the Cancún Agreements and the 2 °C climate target

Since the climate negotiations in Copenhagen (2009), many countries have pledged to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 2020. These pledges were 'anchored' in the 2010 Cancún Agreements. Since…

Greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands 1990-2010: National Inventory Report 2012

In 2010, total greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands increased by approximately 6%, compared to the 2009 emission level. This increase mainly resulted from increased fuel combustion related to…

Land use impacts on biodiversity in LCA: a global approach

Land use is a main driver of global biodiversity loss and its environmental relevance is widely recognized in research on life cycle assessment (LCA). The inherent spatial heterogeneity of…

Copenhagen Accord Pledges imply higher costs for staying below 2°C warming

This study compares emission pathways aimed at limiting temperature increase to 2 degree Celsius (°C) under varying constraints. In a first set of pathways, the timing of emission reductions is such…

Rio+20 Policy Brief: An energy vision for a planet under pressure

Worldwide, global energy systems face an array of challenges, from access for the poor to reliability and security. Meanwhile, the provision of energy creates local human and ecological health impacts…

Performance differences and trade-offs in the provision of ecosystem goods and services

This paper approaches valuation of biodiversity and ecosystem services from a supply perspective utilizing the concept of trade-offs or opportunity costs. A new method is presented to provide spatial…

Preferences for alternative fuel vehicles of lease car drivers in The Netherlands

In this paper we aim to get insight into preferences of Dutch lease car drivers for alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) and their characteristics. We perform a state-of-the-art conjoint analysis, based…

A choice experiment on afv preferences of private car owners in The Netherlands

In this paper we aim to get insight into preferences of Dutch private car owners for alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) and their characteristics. We perform a state-of-the-art conjoint analysis, based…