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Uncertainty communication in environmental assessments: views from the Dutch science-policy interface

Scientific assessments of environmental problems, and policy responses to those problems, involve uncertainties of many sorts. Meanwhile, potential impacts of wrong decisions can be far-reaching. This…

Differentiation of countries'future commitments in a post-2012 climate regime: an assessment of the "South-North dialogue" proposal

The 'South–North Dialogue Proposal' outlines an approach for an 'equitable' differentiation of post-2012 commitments. An analysis of the proposal shows that for the stringent stabilisation targets…

Strengthening the science-policy interface: experiences from a European Thematic Network on Air pollution and Health (AIRNET)

The science-policy-stakeholder interplay in the area of air pollution becomes increasingly important when developing health-effective and cost-efficient risk control strategies that are also…

Realisation of Environmental Targets - Progress report 2007. Summary

This report is intended to assist the annual policy accountability process (the VBTB debate) by providing information about trends in pressure on the environment and environmental quality.It also…

Post-2012 Climate Policy Scenarios

The cost and effectiveness of climate policy in Europe depend on the international post-2012 climate regime. This report analyzes four alternative policy scenarios. The analysis shows that only if all…

Cross-roads of Life on Earth: Exploring means to meet the 2010 Biodiversity Target

The continuing economic and demographic growth, and the accompanying increase in food production, forestry, intensification of agriculture, fragmentation and climate change are causing the continuing…

Economic and ecological consequences of four European land use scenarios

The global context is important for future European land use, especially in futures where environmental policies are ignored. Environmental and trade agreements must be sufficiently integrated or…

Predicting the effect of climate change on temperate shallow lakes with the ecosystem model PCLake

Shallow lakes shift from a clear to a turbid state when a critical nutrient loading is exceed. Calculations with PCLake predict that climate change will likely lead to decreased critical nutrient…

Improving the spatial coherence of nature areas using genetic algorithms

The National Ecological Network in the Netherlands will provide a network of high-quality nature areas to improve its spatial coherence. To realize this goal in the period 1990-2018 over 1,500 square…

A hybrid Kalman filter algorithm for large-scale atmospheric chemistry data assimilation

Data assimilation is a method to combine the information from model calculations with observations to obtain an estimate of the state of a system, in this case the atmosphere. A Kalman filter is used…