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Bridging Interest, Classification and Technology Gaps in the Climate Change Regime

The climate change regime is affected by a major credibility gap; there is a gap between what countries have been stating that they are willing to do and what they actually do.

The European Nitrogen Case

The N budget for Europe (excluding the former Soviet Union) indicates that the 3 principal driving forces of the acceleration of the European N cycle are fertilizer production (14 Mt (mill. tonnes) N…

Approaches to analyse interactions of climate change, acidification and ozone

This project focuses on the interactions of climate change, acidification, eutrophication, tropospheric ozone, stratospheric ozone and some other air pollutants (like soot).

Predictions by the multimedia environmental fate model SimpleBox compared to field data: Intermedia concentration ratios of two phthalate esters

The multimedia environmental fate model SimpleBox is applied to compute steady-state concentration ratios with the aim to harmonize environmetal quality objectives of air, water, sediment and soil. In…

Preliminary assessment of air quality for ozone in the Netherlands under EU legislation

Before implementing the third European directive, the member states of the European Union should assess the air quality for ozone in their countries. Measerements and modelling results indicate that…

Interpretation of integrated monitoring data gathered at the Lheebroekerzand in the Netherlands

The Laboratory for Ecotoxicology of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment build up a database with data collected in the Lheebroekerzand from 1993 to 1999. Data from studies…

Biospheric Aspects of the Hydrological Cycle. Highlights of the research synthesis conducted under the umbrella of IGBP -BAHC and WCRP-GEWX/ISLSCP international projects

Biospheric Aspects of the Hydrological Cycle (BAHC) was established as one of core projects of the International Geosphere Biosphere Programme (IGBP) in 1992. Its main focus is to study the role of…

Projections of multi-gas emissions and carbon sinks, and marginal abatement cost functions modelling for land-use related sources

This report presents estimates of the costs of abatement of greenhouse gas emissions associated with landfills as a source of methane (CH 4 ), sewage as a source of methane and nitrous oxide (CH 4 and…

Correcting air pollution time series for meteorological variability. With an application to regional PM10 concentrations

It is well-known that a large part of the year-to-year variation in annual distribution of daily concentrations of air pollutants is due to fluctuations in the frequency and severity of meteorological…

An Asian Dilemma

The research question dealt with in this report is: What are the feasible policy and technology options to modernise the electricity sector in China and India taking into account the supply and demand…