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How could sustainable trade contribute to the conservation of natural capital? The effects of certifying tropical resource production on ecosystem services

PBL has conducted a study into the possibilities of improving the management of natural capital through sustainable trade chains, in the regions that produce soya, palm oil, cacao and wood. Certified…

Revealing a paradox in scientific advice to governments: the struggle between modernist and reflexive logics within the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency

While governmental scientific advisers attempt to innovate their practices to become more reflexive and interactive, they cannot escape the modernist fundaments that constitute their practices. Using…

Scaling up investments in Ecosystem Restoration. The key issues: financing and coordination

Land degradation and restoration have become increasingly central to international policy discussions given the launch of Sustainable Development Goal 15 – Life on Land. This background report…

Contribution of the G20 economies to the global impact of the Paris agreement climate proposals

By 15 December 2015, 187 countries had submitted their Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) summarising their climate actions after 2020 in the context of the Paris Agreement. We used…

Cities in the Netherlands

In the Netherlands, about three quarters of the population live in urban areas and almost 80% of the jobs can be found there. In 2015, the Dutch Government launched its Agenda Stad, a national urban…

Cities in Europe

Cities are expected to play a key role in delivering the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, green and inclusive growth. Therefore, the European Commission, EU Member States and European cities are…

Methods for calculating the emissions of transport in the Netherlands 2016

This report describes the methodologies, emission factors and relevant activity data used to calculate the emissions of environmental pollutants from mobile sources in the Netherlands. The emissions…

Reducing emissions from agriculture to meet the 2°C target

More than 100 countries pledged to reduce agricultural greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the 2015 Paris Agreement of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Yet technical…

Modeling Soil Processes: Review, Key Challenges, and New Perspectives

The complexity of soil and its importance to a wide range of ecosystem services presents major challenges to the modeling of soil processes. Although major progress in soil models has occurred in the…

Lock-in of mature innovation systems, The transformation toward clean concrete in the Netherlands

Energy-intensive processing industries like the concrete industry form the base of the economy and account for a large part of greenhouse gas emissions. Sectoral transformation to cleaner basic…