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Global Maps of Agricultural Expansion Potential at a 300 m Resolution

The global expansion of agricultural land is a leading driver of climate change and biodiversity loss. However, the spatial resolution of current global land change models is relatively coarse, which…

Achieving net-zero emissions targets: an analysis of long-term scenarios using an integrated assessment model

More than 100 countries have communicated or adopted new Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and net-zero target pledges. This paper investigates the impact on global, national, sectoral, and…

PBL self-evaluation for the scientific audit 2022

As a crucial part of its quality policy, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency organises an external audit every five to seven years. This audit focuses on the scientific quality, social and…

Enhancing Urban Nature Provision in the Netherlands

As cities across the world face complex challenges that require interventions that can address multiple goals simultaneously, there has been a growing interest in using Nature-Based Solutions (NBS). A…

Hindcasting harmful algal bloom risk due to land-based nutrient pollution in the Eastern Chinese coastal seas

Harmful algal blooms (HABs) have been increasing in frequency, areal extent and duration due to the large increase in nutrient inputs from land-based sources to coastal seas, and cause significant…

Cost-effective mitigation of nitrogen pollution from global croplands

Based on a meta-analysis of 1,521 worldwide field observations, 11 key measures were identified that reduce global nitrogen losses from croplands to air and water by 30–70%, while increasing crop…

An integrated global model of local urban development and population change

This paper presents a new modelling approach that disaggregates scenario-based national-level urban population estimates derived from the often-applied Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) to high…

Comparing three spatial modeling tools for assessing urban ecosystem services

Spatially explicit modeling is a key method to quantify ecosystem services in cities. We applied and compared three commonly used open-source ecosystem service modeling tools (InVEST, LUCI, Natural…

Is the effectiveness of policy-driven mitigation measures on carabid populations driven by landscape and farmland heterogeneity?

There is growing concern about the decrease of insect populations in agricultural landscapes. In this study, we aimed to assess the effectiveness of pesticide related measures and landscape related…

The IPCC Sixth Assessment Report WGIII climate assessment of mitigation pathways: from emissions to global temperatures

While the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) physical science reports usually assess a handful of future scenarios, the Working Group III contribution on climate mitigation to the IPCC's…