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Exploring global changes in nitrogen and phosphorus cycles in agriculture induced by livestock production over the 1900–2050 period

Global nutrient surpluses will continue to increase in the next fifty years. This will lead to larger amounts of nutrients in soil and surface waters, disrupting ecosystems and harming biodiversity.

RMNO and quality control of scientific advice to policy

The quality control of scientific advice to policy makers is described from the position of an advisory council (RMNO).

The emissions gap between the Copenhagen pledges and the 2 °C climate goal: Options for closing and risks that could widen the gap

As part of the Copenhagen Accord, Annex I Parties (industrialised countries) and non-Annex I Parties (developing countries) have submitted reduction proposals (pledges) and mitigation actions to the…

Residential Segregation and Interethnic Contact in the Netherlands

Dutch policy-makers perceive high shares of ethnic minorities in neighbourhoods as a problem; it might generate fewer opportunities for minorities to have contact with the native Dutch population and…

Land Use, Climate Change and Biodiversity Modeling: Perspectives and Applications

The book Land use, climate change and biodiversity modeling: perspectives and applications combines state-of-the-art modelling approaches at various scales with case studies from across the world. The…

The protein puzzle: the consumption and production of meat, dairy and fish in the European Union

Average consumption of meat, dairy and fish has increased strongly over the last fifty years in the European Union. Today’s consumption is twice the world average. Current preferences of European…

Global Monitoring Report 2011: Improving the Odds of Achieving the MDGs

Based on their recent studies on the relation between environment and human development, the PBL has contributed to the World Bank’s Global Monitoring Report 2011: Improving the Odds of Achieving the…

Emission scenarios for a global hydrogen economy and the consequences for global air pollution

Hydrogen is named as possible energy carrier for future energy systems. However, the impact of large-scale hydrogen use on the atmosphere is uncertain. Application of hydrogen in clean fuel cells…

Intentions to Move and Actual Moving Behaviour in The Netherlands

This study examines how anticipated triggers for moving and individual, household and regional characteristics hamper or stimulate actual moving behaviour of people who intend to move. It uses a…

Nitrogen: 'Too much of a good thing'

Nitrogen pollution costs the European Union between €70 billion and €320 billion per year. This cost is more than double the value that nitrogen fertilizers are estimated to add to European farm…