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Modelling the hydro-geochemistry of acid-sensitive catchments in Finland under atmospheric deposition and biomass harvesting scenarios

The dynamic hydro-geochemical Model of Acidification of Groundwater in Catchments (MAGIC) was used to predict the response of 163 Finnish lake catchments to historic and future atmospheric deposition…

Learning and evaluation in Integrated Sustainability Assessment

This paper explains why learning, especially social learning, and evaluation are essential and integral parts of Integrated Sustainability Assessment (ISA). This is linked to the intent and purpose of…

Characterisation factors for greenhouse gases at a midpoint level including indirect effects based on calculations with the IMAGE model

The GWP values of this paper are a first attempt to provide a consistent set of GWP values for all direct and indirect greenhouse gases, including differences in GWP values per background scenario and…

Scenarios of biodiversity loss in southern Africa in the 21st century

This article assesses the future development of biodiversity in southern Africa.

Cost of Policy Inaction on Biodiversity

The 2010 targets for biodiversity will not be reached under continuation of the present biodiversity policies. The absence of additional biodiversity policies could come at a considerable price…

Information toolkit for post-2012 climate policies

The Dutch Ministry of Environment (VROM) considered it useful to support the European Union in providing factual underpinning to strengthen its position in the negotiations on further commitments…

Halting biodiversity loss in the Netherlands: Evaluation of progress

In the Netherlands, biodiversity has steadily declined during the past century. Over the last years, this decline has been gradually slowing down. The implemented nature and environmental policy is…

Consequences of the European Policy Package on Climate and Energy. Initial assessment of the consequences for the Netherlands and other Member States

National targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions will become less important when the proposals by the European Commission on Climate and Energy, released earlier this year, will be…

Influence of future air pollution mitigation strategies on total aerosol radiative forcing

Different aerosol and aerosol precursor emission scenarios were applied reflecting possible future control strategies for air pollution in the ECHAM5-HAM model, and simulate the resulting effect on…

The potential role of hydrogen energy in India and Western Europe

Hydrogen energy is often mentioned as a potential solution for several challenges that the global energy system is facing. The first advantage is the fact that hydrogen use results in nearly zero…