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Effects of Nitrogen Emissions on Fish Species' Richness across the World’s Freshwater Ecoregions

The increasing application of synthetic fertiliser has tripled nitrogen (N) inputs over the twentieth century. N enrichment decreases water quality and threatens aquatic species such as fish through…

The impact of policy and model uncertainties on emissions projections of the Paris Agreement pledges

Tracking progress towards the Paris Agreement climate goal requires understanding the 2030 emission levels implied by countries' National Determined Contributions (NDCs). However, key uncertainties…

Rebuilding a place to call home

On Wednesday 15 February 2023, the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving, PBL) organised 'Ukraine’s housing recovery forum — rebuilding a place to call home’…

Analysis of Projected Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Levels in 2040 for Major Emitting Countries

This report presents a methodology aiming to identify the greenhouse gas emission reduction levels for 2040 and the corresponding greenhouse gas emission budgets for 2030–2050 necessary to achieve the…

Integral Circular Economy Report 2023 Assessment for the Netherlands

Every two years, the Integral Circular Economy Report (ICER) provides an overview of the status of the desired transition towards a circular economy in the Netherlands. PBL is producing this report at…

Summary and evaluation of selected Country Climate and Development Reports of the World Bank Group

Climate change and development are closely intertwined: economic growth has caused increasing greenhouse gas emissions which impact climate change, and climate change, in turn, has a significant…

Methods for calculating the emissions of transport in the Netherlands 2023

This report describes the methodologies, emission factors and relevant activity data used to calculate the historical emissions of environmental pollutants from transport in the Netherlands. The…

Working Paper: 'An Evaluation Framework for the Transformative Capacity of Dutch Climate Policy'

In this background report, we explain how PBL & VU developed the evaluation framework for the Reflexive Evaluation of Dutch climate policy. Through this report, PBL & VU aim to safeguard and enhance…

Yangtze and Rhine River Basins 1950-2050

The comparative study on the river basins of the Yangtze in China and the Rhine in Europe describes the developments of habitat themes such as environmental pollution, biodiversity, urbanisation…

Geography of Future Water Challenges

This study The Geography of Future Water Challenges – Bending the trend shows that there is a great urgency to tackle global water and climate adaptation issues. This will require radical changes in…