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Evaluating the use of biomass energy with carbon capture and storage in low emission scenarios

Biomass Energy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) is heavily relied upon in scenarios of future emissions that are consistent with limiting global mean temperature increase to 1.5 °C or 2 °C…

Large uncertainty in carbon uptake potential of land‐based climate‐change mitigation efforts

Most climate mitigation scenarios involve negative emissions, especially those that aim to limit global temperature increase to 2°C or less. However, the carbon uptake potential in land‐based climate…

Uncertain Environmental Footprint of Current and Future Battery Electric Vehicles

The future environmental impacts of battery electric vehicles (EVs) are very important given their expected dominance in future transport systems. Previous studies have shown these impacts to be…

Scenarios for Demand Growth of Metals in Electricity Generation Technologies, Cars, and Electronic Appliances

This study provides scenarios toward 2050 for the demand of five metals in electricity production, cars, and electronic appliances. The metals considered are copper, tantalum, neodymium, cobalt, and…

Global Carbon Budget 2017

Accurate assessment of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions and their redistribution among the atmosphere, ocean, and terrestrial biosphere – the global carbon budget – is important to better…

Blog Energiepodium - Klimaatakkoord en -wet prima, maar invulling is bepalend

Het kabinet laat er bij het energie- en klimaatbeleid geen gras over groeien. Het regeerakkoord voorziet een drieslag: afspraken met mede-overheden om energie en klimaat integraal onderdeel te laten…

Scenarios towards limiting global mean temperature increase below 1.5 °C

The 2015 Paris Agreement calls for countries to pursue efforts to limit global-mean temperature rise to 1.5 °C. The transition pathways that can meet such a target have not, however, been extensively…

Limited emission reductions from fuel subsidy removal except in energy-exporting regions

Hopes are high that removing fossil fuel subsidies could help to mitigate climate change by discouraging inefficient energy consumption and levelling the playing field for renewable energy. In…

Negatieve emissies - Technisch potentieel, realistisch potentieel en kosten voor Nederland

In december 2015 hebben bijna alle landen ter wereld zich in het Parijsakkoord ten doel gesteld om de mondiale temperatuurstijging te beperken tot 2°C en, indien mogelijk, tot 1,5°C. Om hieraan te…

Blog Energiepodium - Zonder ideale aanpak toch verstandig klimaatbeleid voeren

Eind vorig jaar maakte het Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving een eerste inschatting van het mogelijke effect van opties en maatregelen uit het Regeerakkoord op de emissies van broeikasgassen. De…