Blog Energiepodium - “In het Energierapport zijn we allemaal een beetje verantwoordelijk”
Het nieuwe Energierapport kondigt al op de eerste bladzijde aan dat we moeten gaan sturen op een enkel doel: CO 2-reductie. De secretaris-generaal van Economische Zaken was zijn minister hierin in het…
How climate metrics affect global mitigation strategies and costs: a multi-model study
In climate policy, substitutions metrics are used to determine exchange ratios for different greenhouse gases as part of a multi-gas strategy. The suitability of the metric depends on the policy goals…
This study, commissioned by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), offers an assessment of the effect of bioenergy on greenhouse gas emissions. It combines estimates of supply-chain…
Trends in Global Vegetation Activity and Climatic Drivers Indicate a Decoupled Response to Climate Change
Detailed understanding of a possible decoupling between climatic drivers of plant productivity and the response of ecosystems vegetation is required. We compared trends in six NDVI metrics (1982–2010)…
Joint Actions for Air Quality and Climate Mitigation in Europe
Combined action for air and climate can be undertaken by (i) targeting atmospheric compounds that happen to have detrimental impacts on health, ecosystem and climate at the same time (short lived…
Op de valreep naar het nieuwe jaar is de Klimaatconferentie in Parijs succesvol afgelopen, heeft de Tweede Kamer zich uitgesproken voor sluiting van kolencentrales, is een voorontwerp voor een…
Dutch energy supply is at a tipping point. The share of renewable energy is expected to grow at an accelerated pace, up to 2023; in part due to the efforts of those involved in the Energy Agreement…
Op basis van de klimaatafspraken in Parijs is er op termijn geen plaats meer voor kolen in de elektriciteitsvoorziening. Maar net als Nederland worstelen ook andere Europese landen met de toekomst van…
Accurate assessment of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions and their redistribution among the atmosphere, ocean, and terrestrial biosphere is important to better understand the global carbon…
Greenhouse gas emissions from current and enhanced policies of China until 2030: Can emissions peak before 2030?
In June 2015, China announced its post-2020 reduction targets, its central element being the intention to peak CO 2 emissions by 2030 or earlier. China has implemented several policies to reduce its…