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Nutrient dynamics, transfer and retention along the aquatic continuum from land to ocean: towards integration of ecological and biogeochemical models

In river basins, soils, groundwater, riparian zones and floodplains, streams, rivers, lakes and reservoirs act as successive filters in which the hydrology, ecology and biogeochemical processing are…

Management, regulation and environmental impacts of nitrogen fertilization in north-western Europe under the Nitrates Directive; a benchmark study

Implementation of the EU Nitrates Directive and its environmental impacts were compared for Member States in the north-west of the European Union (Ireland, United Kingdom, Denmark, the Netherlands…

Reform of the EU Common Agricultural Policy: Environmental impacts in developing countries

The proposed reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) will have little impact in developing countries. This is the conclusion by the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency…

Climate and Energy Roadmaps towards 2050 in north-western Europe

Although energy markets are interlinked and energy companies operate internationally, European countries have a strong national focus in their climate and energy policies. Countries have little regard…

European-scale modelling of groundwater denitrification and associated N2O production

This paper presents a spatially explicit model for simulating the transport of nitrogen (N) and the denitrification and associated production of nitrous oxide (N 2 O) in groundwater, with a one…

Assessment of the environmental impacts and health benefits of a nitrogen emission control area in the North Sea

Two studies have analysed the costs and benefits of creating a nitrogen emission control area in the North Sea and the English Channel. Such a control area requires new ships to emit 75 percent less…

Roads from Rio+20

This report analyses how combinations of technological measures and changes in consumption patterns could contribute to achieving a set of sustainability objectives, taking into account the…

Cobenefits of climate and air pollution regulations

In 2011, the European Commission published its roadmap towards a competitive low-carbon economy for 2050. For this roadmap the possibilities of a far-reaching reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in…

The IMAGE Model Suite used for the OECD Environmental Outlook to 2050

In the Environmental Outlook to 2050 from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) a number of scenarios and projection are used which are calculated with the IMAGE model…

PBL Note Sustainability of biomass in a bio-based economy

The conversion of the present European economy based on fossil fuels into a more bio-based economy will probably be restricted to about 10 per cent of final energy and feedstock consumption in 2030…