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Losses of Ammonia and Nitrate from Agriculture and Their Effect on Nitrogen Recovery in the European Union and the United States between 1900 and 2050

Historical trends and levels of nitrogen (N) budgets and emissions to air and water in the European Union and the United States are markedly different. Agro-environmental policy approaches also differ…

Nitrogen use and food production in European regions from a global perspective

Current production systems for crops, meat, dairy and bioenergy in the European Union (EU) rely strongly on the external input of nitrogen (N). The current paper reviews key features of the complex…

Beoordeling Programmatische Aanpak Stikstof: De verwachte effecten voor natuur en vergunningverlening

Met de Programmatische Aanpak Stikstof (PAS) wil het kabinet beschermde stikstofgevoelige natuurgebieden laten herstellen en tegelijkertijd rondom deze gebieden ruimte voor economische ontwikkelingen…

Share of raw material costs in total production costs

The share of raw material costs in the total costs for producers can be calculated using different methods. This note compares two of these methods; the energy and material costs and the basic raw…

The Netherlands in 21 infographics

In ‘The Netherlands in 21 infographics – Facts and figures on the human environment’ the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency presents facts and figures in a novel way. The booklet covers…

Key role of China and its agriculture in global sustainable phosphorus management

Growing global demand for food leads to increased pressure on phosphorus (P), a finite and dwindling resource. China is the largest producer and consumer of P fertilizer in the world. A mass balance…

Costs and effectiveness of on-farm measures to reduce aquatic risks from pesticides in the Netherlands

The European Union requires growers to implement the principles of integrated pest management (IPM) by 2014. This paper provides a quantitative overview of the costs and effectiveness of voluntary IPM…

Prijs hoger dan de waarde van landbouwgrond

De vrije marktprijs van landbouwgrond in Nederland is sterker gestegen dan het inkomen dat het gemiddeld oplevert. Zonder bedrijfsvergroting zou deze prijs veel lager zijn. In dit artikel gaan we in…

Crop yield response to soil fertility and N, P, K inputs in different environments: Testing and improving the QUEFTS model

Global food production strongly depends on availability of nutrients. Assessment of future global phosphorus (P) fertilizer demand in interaction with nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) fertilizers under…

Ex ante evaluatie mestbeleid 2013

Op verzoek van de staatssecretarissen van Economische Zaken en van Infrastructuur en Milieu heeft het PBL in samenwerking met Wageningen UR een evaluatie uitgevoerd van de gevolgen van verplichte…