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Model projections for household energy use in India

Energy use in developing countries is heterogeneous across households. Present day global energy models are mostly too aggregate to account for this heterogeneity. Here, a bottom-up model for…

Predictability, equitability and adequacy of post-2012 international climate financing proposals

This study assesses four proposals to generate funds for international climate financing in developing countries according to three criteria: adequacy, predictability and equitability. The focus year…

Uncertainty and risk in climate projections for the 21st century

There are by now many studies on estimation of uncertainty of climate system properties and model parameters but still only few on probabilistic climate projections. Moreover, most of these studies…

A quantitative minimax regret approach to climate change: Does discounting still matter?

Integrated assessment models have been widely used to inform policymakers about attractive climate response strategies. An important application of integrated assessment models is cost-benefit…

Scenarios for global biodiversity in the 21st century

In de 21e eeuw is het voortbestaan van vele plant- en diersoorten in gevaar. Hun leefgebieden worden aangetast en deze verschuiven ook van plaats door klimaatverandering. Daardoor zal de…

Research priorities in land use and land-cover change for the Earth system and integrated assessment modelling

This special issue has highlighted recent and innovative methods and results that integrate observations and modelling analyses of regional to global aspect of biophysical and biogeochemical…

Rethinking Global Biodiversity Strategies

Het beschermen van waardevolle natuurgebieden is niet voldoende om de afname van de biodiversiteit te verminderen, maar blijft wel noodzakelijk. Om het tempo van het biodiversiteitverlies fors af te…

Rethinking Global Biodiversity Strategies

The mere protection of valuable nature areas, although still necessary, will not be sufficient for reducing biodiversity loss. To strongly reduce the rate of global biodiversity loss in the coming…

IMAGE gebruikershandleiding

Technisch achtergrond rapport. Deze gebruikershandleiding bevat de basis-informatie om het simulatiemodel IMAGE ("Integrated Model to Assess the Global Environment") van het PBL te kunnen gebruiken.

IMAGE Programming Guidelines

This document describes the requirements and guidelines for the software of the IMAGE system. The motivation for this report was a substantial restructuring of the source code for IMAGE version 2.5…