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Hoe stimuleer je duurzame transities

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Dioxins in Dutch vegetables

Geen toelichting beschikbaar

Climate options for the long term: possible strategies

Geen toelichting beschikbaar

Comprehensive approaches to differentiation of future climate commitments: some options compared

This chapter explores and evaluates some possible options for future differentiation of commitments for developed and developing countries, taking into account the experience with the Kyoto Protocol…

Global modeling of the fate of nitrogen from point and nonpoint sources in soils, groundwater, and surface water

We present a global model that describes the fate of nitrogen (N) from point and nonpoint sources in the hydrological system up to the river mouths at the 0.5° by 0.5° spatial and annual temporal…

Europe's environment: the third assessment - Air pollution in Europe

Air pollution is a transboundary, multipollutant/ multi-effect environmental problem. Although significant and welldirected efforts over more than two decades have led to a reduction in emissions, air…

Terrestrial carbon sinks and biomass in international climate policies

The authors contribute to the many discussions on international climate policy and provide an in-depth analysis of the main characteristics of the problem of climate change. They highlight the various…

Modelling the recovery of acid-sensitive Finnish headwater lakes under present emission reduction agreements

Over the past two decades, substantial reductions in the deposition of acidifying substances (primarily sulphur) have occurred in most parts of Europe and, following recent agreements, this trend is…

Monitoren van effecten van het Nederlandse mestbeleid op de waterkwaliteit

Nederland heeft met zijn intensieve landbouw het hoogste stikstof- en één na hoogste fosfaatoverschot in de Europese Unie. Om te kunnen voldoen aan de doelstelling van de EU-nitraatrichtlijn, het…

Milieueffecten van indirecte subsidies

De schadelijke effecten van subsidies zijn volgens een nieuwe beleidsgerichte methodiek groot. Voorbeelden zijn melk, de regulerende energiebelasting en kerosine.