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Carbon price floor to save ETS - Guest Commentary

The functioning of the European Union (EU) emission trading system (ETS) is under debate. Although the ETS guarantees emission reductions by 2020, the current low prices fuel doubts about whether it…

Aanpassing aan extreem weer: het identificeren van verschillende maatschappelijke perspectieven in Nederland

De intensiteit en het vóórkomen van extreme weersomstandigheden zullen naar verwachting veranderen door klimaatverandering. Deze verandering noopt tot adaptieve responsen op extreme gebeurtenissen…

Adaptation to extreme weather: identifying different societal perspectives in the Netherlands

The intensity and occurrence of extreme weather events are expected to change with climate change. This change necessitates adaptive responses to extreme events, which need to take into account…

The role of negative CO2 emissions for reaching 2 °C-insights from integrated assessment modelling

Limiting climate change to 2 °C with a high probability requires reducing cumulative emissions to about 1600 Gigatonne CO 2 over the 2000–2100 period. This requires unprecedented rates of…

If climate action becomes urgent: the importance of response times for various climate strategies

Most deliberations on climate policy are based on a mitigation response that assumes a gradually increasing reduction over time. However, situations may occur where a more urgent response is needed. A…

Deep greenhouse gas emission reductions in Europe: Exploring different options

Most modelling studies that explore emission mitigation scenarios only look into least-cost emission pathways, induced by a carbon tax. This means that European policies targeting specific – sometimes…

Influence of travel behavior on global CO2 emissions

Travel demand is rising steeply and its contribution to global CO 2 emissions is increasing. Different studies have shown possible mitigation through technological options, but so far few studies have…

The effects of adaptation and mitigation on coastal flood impacts during the 21st century

This paper studies the effects of mitigation and adaptation on coastal flood impacts. We focus on a scenario that stabilizes concentrations at 450 parts per million CO 2 -equivalent leading to 42 cm…

Verkenning mogelijke maatregelen voor Lokale Klimaatagenda

Voor de uitvoering van de Lokale Klimaatagenda ‘Werk maken van klimaat’ kunnen verschillende beleidsmaatregelen worden ingezet. De maatregelen die betrekking hebben op energiebesparing binnen de…

Emissions of transboundary air pollutants in the Netherlands, 1990–2011: Netherlands Informative Inventory Report 2013

Emissions of nitrogen oxides (NO x ) in the Netherlands decreased in 2011, for the first time to a level below the cap set by the European Union for 2010. Hereby, the Netherlands complies with all…