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Deep greenhouse gas emission reductions in Europe: Exploring different options

Most modelling studies that explore emission mitigation scenarios only look into least-cost emission pathways, induced by a carbon tax. This means that European policies targeting specific – sometimes…

Influence of travel behavior on global CO2 emissions

Travel demand is rising steeply and its contribution to global CO 2 emissions is increasing. Different studies have shown possible mitigation through technological options, but so far few studies have…

The effects of adaptation and mitigation on coastal flood impacts during the 21st century

This paper studies the effects of mitigation and adaptation on coastal flood impacts. We focus on a scenario that stabilizes concentrations at 450 parts per million CO 2 -equivalent leading to 42 cm…

Verkenning mogelijke maatregelen voor Lokale Klimaatagenda

Voor de uitvoering van de Lokale Klimaatagenda ‘Werk maken van klimaat’ kunnen verschillende beleidsmaatregelen worden ingezet. De maatregelen die betrekking hebben op energiebesparing binnen de…

Emissions of transboundary air pollutants in the Netherlands, 1990–2011: Netherlands Informative Inventory Report 2013

Emissions of nitrogen oxides (NO x ) in the Netherlands decreased in 2011, for the first time to a level below the cap set by the European Union for 2010. Hereby, the Netherlands complies with all…

Column Energie Actueel - Kosten en baten van lokale energie-initiatieven

Maatschappelijk vallen de baten hoger uit dan de kosten als huishoudens vanaf 2020 de helft van hun stroomverbruik door wind zouden laten opwekken, concludeert een recente studie van Arcadis en andere…

Conditions for greening the Dutch economy

Greening the economy is a major and necessary task for the world as a whole as well as for the Netherlands. Using energy, raw materials and natural resources more efficiently will strengthen the…

Wat betekent regeerakkoord voor klimaatbeleid? Een vergelijking met verkiezingsprogramma's

Het Regeerakkoord geeft aan te streven naar een volledig duurzame energievoorziening in 2050, maar mist nog de concreetheid om te kunnen spreken van een krachtig klimaatbeleid. Het belooft wel een…

Analysing the greenhouse gas emission reductions of the mitigation action plans by non-Annex I countries by 2020

As part of the Cancún Agreements, 45 non-Annex I countries (non-industrialised) have pledged mitigation action plans, of which 16 countries, including the seven major emitting countries, have…

Comments on the EC proposal for amendment of the Renewable Energy and Fuel Quality Directives

At the end of 2012, the European Commission presented a proposal to deal with emissions from indirect land-use change (ILUC) in the sustainability criteria for biofuels. According to PBL Netherlands…