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Impact of LULCC on the emission of BVOCs during the 21st century

Land-use and land-cover change (LULCC) is one of the key drivers of anthropogenic climate change. In addition to greenhouse gases such as CO 2 or CH 4 , LULCC affects also the emission of other carbon…

Overbenutting van de plaatsingsruimte van dierlijke mest in het zuidelijk veehouderijgebied

Op 30 maart 2017 publiceerde het PBL het Syntheserapport van de Evaluatie Meststoffenwet. Daarin werd de notitie over overbenutting van de plaatsingsruimte van dierlijke mest in het zuidelijk…

Policy coherence in the water-land-energy-food-climate nexus

More synergies than conflicts exist between European policy objectives for water, land, energy, food and climate. There are numerous positively interacting policy objectives, providing opportunities…

Vijf vragen en antwoorden over nutriënten en waterkwaliteit

In deze notitie beantwoordt het PBL vijf vragen rond nutriënten, waterkwaliteit en bronnen die de kwaliteit van het water ongunstig kunnen beïnvloeden. Ook bespreken we de kwantificering van de…

A physically-based model of long-term food demand

Reducing hunger while staying within planetary boundaries of pollution, land use and fresh water use is one of the most urgent sustainable development goals. It is imperative to understand future food…

Spatiotemporal dynamics of soil phosphorus and crop uptake in global cropland during the 20th century

Phosphorus (P) plays a vital role in global crop production and food security. In this study, we investigate the changes in soil P pool inventories calibrated from historical countrywide crop P uptake…

Fiscal Instruments for Sustainable Development: The Case of Land Taxes

Land taxes are not the first thing policymakers think of when considering an intervention to stimulate sustainable development. Land taxes provide however an untapped potential for domestic revenue…

Quantifying biodiversity footprints of Dutch economic sectors: A global supply-chain analysis

Economic sectors contribute to biodiversity loss through environmental pressures, such as land use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, both directly via their production processes and indirectly via…

Perspectives on the future of nature in Europe: storylines and visualisations

The occurrence of many species in the EU is expected to decline further, making it difficult to achieve the 2050 policy vision. The Nature Outlook study elaborates four perspectives on the future of…

Evaluatie Meststoffenwet 2016: syntheserapport

Volgens de Meststoffenwet ontvangt de Tweede Kamer minstens eens per 5 jaar een verslag over de doeltreffendheid en effecten van de wet in de praktijk. Uit de Evaluatie Meststoffenwet 2016 - die de…