Trends and geographic variation in adverse impacts of nitrogen use in Europe on human health, climate, and ecosystems: A review
This study assesses the effects of reactive nitrogen (N) pollution on human health, climate, and ecosystems in Europe from 1990 to 2019. It reports temporal and spatial variation in nitrogen-related…
Costs and benefits of synthetic nitrogen fertiliser for global production of cereal grains in 2015 and in 2050 under contrasting scenarios
Increased use of synthetic N fertiliser has boosted global cereal grain production, but has also led to a massive increase of reactive N loss and environmental impacts. This paper quantifies the…
Direct intervention in the size of livestock herds is not considered a main option in European agricultural policies nor in policy option studies. Nevertheless, livestock buyout schemes have been…
Cost-effective mitigation of nitrogen pollution from global croplands
Based on a meta-analysis of 1,521 worldwide field observations, 11 key measures were identified that reduce global nitrogen losses from croplands to air and water by 30–70%, while increasing crop…
Is the effectiveness of policy-driven mitigation measures on carabid populations driven by landscape and farmland heterogeneity?
There is growing concern about the decrease of insect populations in agricultural landscapes. In this study, we aimed to assess the effectiveness of pesticide related measures and landscape related…
Beëindigen van veehouderijen: hoge verwachtingen haalbaar?
Politici en hun adviseurs hebben hoge verwachtingen van de bijdrage die het sluiten van veehouderijen zal leveren aan het halen van stikstofdoelen. Het besteden van de huidige budgetten zou tot…
Halving nitrogen waste in the European Union food systems requires both dietary shifts and farm level actions
This paper analyses options to halve nitrogen losses to the environment by 2030, which is a target of the Farm to EU Fork Strategy. We found that a combination of interventions to (a) increase farm…
The Role of Different Types of Actors In The Future of Sustainable Agriculture In a Dutch Peri-urban Area
Uptake of sustainable agricultural practices highly depends on the role of local actors and farm-level decision-making. Using a peri-urban case study in the Netherlands (Kromme Rijngebied), this…
Identifying Potential Clusters of Future Migration Associated With Water Stress in Africa
Water stress negatively affects rural livelihoods that depend on agriculture. In some contexts, this can influence migration decisions, especially in vulnerable regions with limited adaptive capacity…
Establishing long-term nitrogen response of global cereals to assess sustainable fertilizer rates
Insight into the response of cereal yields to nitrogen fertilizer is fundamental to improving nutrient management and policies to sustain farm economy and food sufficiency with minimum nitrogen…