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Roadmap to a climate-proof Netherlands

In the spatial planning of the Netherlands it becomes important to consider climate change. The main challenges to be incorporated in spatial strategies are: flood protection, fresh water availability…

Flood protection in the Netherlands: framing long-term challenges and options for a climate-resilient delta

For the Netherlands, being a country with one of the most densely populated deltas, one of the threats of climate change is sea level rise. This report reveals that the Netherlands will be able to…

Pledges and actions (presentation held at COP15)

Presentation held at side event 'Emission reduction efforts by developed and developing countries: Will they be enough for meeting the two-degree target?' at COP15.

Hoe zijn biodiversiteit en armoede gerelateerd? Een verkennende studie

Beleidsmakers zien zich voor een uitdagende taak gesteld wanneer zij wegen verkennen die tegelijkertijd de Millennium Ontwikkelingsdoelstellingen (MDGs) en het CBD (Conventie inzake Biologische…

How do biodiversity and poverty relate? An explorative study

Decision makers are faced with certain challenges when they explore ways of simultaneously achieving the Millennium Development Goals and the CBD 2010 targets for biodiversity conservation. Decreasing…

Launch seminar Getting into the Right Lane for 2050

The final report of Getting into the Right Lane for 2050 was released in Brussels on 30 October 2009, during the European Summit, with a seminar held at the location of the Swedish permanent…

Too hot to handle? The emission surplus in the Copenhagen negotiations

In Copenhagen, one of three possible solutions could be found to the problem of surplus Russian and Ukrainian emission rights: 1) rich countries all agree to reduce more; 2) a more stringent target is…

Too hot to handle? Het overschot aan emissierechten in de Kopenhagen onderhandelingen

In dit rapport worden verschillende strategieën besproken voor het omgaan met het overschot aan emissierechten uit de Kyoto periode en mogelijke toekomstige emissieoverschotten die verhandeld kunnen…

Meeting the 2 degree target. From climate objective to emission reduction measures

This PBL report gives an overview of the implications of the 2°C target, by systematically presenting information along the causal chain of climate change. One element is that the increase in global…

Verkenning milieueffecten van de D66-tegenbegroting 2010

Uit de beoordeling blijkt dat het maatregelenpakket van D66 in 2020 een extra reductie van 1 tot 5 miljard ton (Mton) CO 2 kan opleveren ten opzichte van het vastgestelde en voorgenomen kabinetsbeleid…